Thank you for hi-lighting the climate crisis. It is one that needs as much attention as possible. Your'e doing an important service by focusing on it as part of the huge problem we have.
You're right, Suzanne, about the need for co-operation in order to effect real change. Unfortunately, change and the will to co-operate can come about only from the bottom up, never from the top down. I wouldn't put any hope in Kamala Harris or any President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, for that matter. These people represent a system that benefits Big Money: that's how they got elected/nominated, and that's how they stay in power. Humanity appears to be going through a major shift, and we will have to struggle through very dark times before we get to see any light.
We are on the same page. I could have written every word you wrote. We are so stuck. And Kamala winning could keep us sleeping, where if Trump gets in we'd be so shook up so as to maybe jar us loose from the way it is.
All my advocacy is about what we-the-people could do in an end run around government. I don't know why no power figures have gotten us organized, but praying that my riding the horse in the direction it has to go could be the ticket. Stick with what I'm putting out for what we could do together.
I was disappointed by the left, when Marianne Williamson was running for president before the 2020 primaries, because they tossed her aside with jokes, refusing to take her seriously. Maybe they were right, but there is a prominent place for her, her ideas, and her role modeling. Michelle Obama is another role model that should be taken seriously. It's also sad that we treated Hillary with such disdain, as she has so much wisdom to give. Thank you for this fantastic essay. I will share it everywhere, as I do have a sizable following personally and in several groups which I've created. Marianne (and many of us here on Substack) isn't tied to one rigid political view, and appeals to a wide variety of moderate voters. I can see her talents being very useful to America, in the right context. At the least, the media would do us all a favor to listen better, and reconsider her advice.
Kamala is a watered down version of those great women, but please god she becomes someone we can work with to tune her into what they could help her with! I ruminate on the world we are in where you'd think the breakthrough woman President would be someone who is beyond brilliant, and here we are with someone we didn't even vote for in a primary, but the world hopefully knows better than we do and this may rally the rest of us, in true democratic fashion, to rise up and unite to move us forward.
Yes, another person working on creating a new consciousness is David Gershon, who is working for "Peace on Earth by 2030—the Game," which gets people to act out on seven themes and record them. They begin in triads, then expand to 9 people - a peace zone - and then expand again. It is a process.
Another person is Elaine Parkes, who is working on Mindcraft—12 Habits. She posts a different habit for followers to do each month, and it takes about a month for a habit to become a habit.
I was disappointed with Dave Gershon with whom I had a private conversation about linking up, where I felt very disrespected in his insistence he had the winning game and his dismissal of my asking him to look at what I was saying about needing more immediate things to pay attention to where his game isn't immediate at all.
And I guess you mean Minecraft, but I am an old geezer who never played a game so no comment on her.
Thank you for your comments. I agree with you that we need urgent immediate action and may not have time till 2030. Both the climate crisis and the risk of nuclear war are very urgent. I am glad that you did reach out to David and am sorry that it didn't work out. All the best. I enjoy your comments Suzanne.
I love your “ Original mind set” ! Kudos to your mind of fine intellect /heart for betterment of this dysfunctional society of misalignments … which shows a giant shift in earthly plane is in flux…n US is governed by Gemini/Cancer ( progressives/conservatives signs)all talk but sometimes able to have basic values still …holding the fifty states in some sort of cohesiveness! We in the Unification movement aim to be in our original founder’s Ideal mindset of “ Heart/Head/Wing” … taught in our grad school for peace leadership Int’l( n daily inspirational sermonettes of our founder ( Rev.Sun Myung Moon successor to that heavy Mission of Jesus Christ met on Easter AM while praying for peace at NK mt top, 1936 /partner/now widow/Mother of Peace, Dr.Hak Ja Han Moon, mother of 14 adult children , n over 34 grandkids n great grd kids n leadership globally for Women Federation for World Peace Int’l( WFWPI)
I don't want to be ungrateful for your support, but the rest is a can of worms. Here's AI: "Reverend Sun Myung Moon was a controversial figure who was seen as a savior by some and a confidence trickster by others." Let's not argue here - everyone can look things up for themselves.
I was in a quandary on Rev .Moon n the Unification Movement , in a wkend workshop, back a couple of decades ago, on topic of 2nd Coming of Jesus lecture, n went to pray at night … next morning , while doing my AM exercise, the whole area in a natural setting became Gsrden of Gethsemene, a very cold evil feeling, then out of nowhere, I see Jesus w/thorny crown n laboriously carrying His wooden cross, came towards me ( came downhill from the “ Holy Ground”), n nodded to me to follow His nodded gesture, to Hus house, that was to be His Newly blessed matched wife’s main mansion, formerly the Conference building n the Moon family Residence ..,! I was in a strange shocked state,so I rushed back to my sleeping bag to pray hard on what I had just experienced…! It was a definitive moment in my life of faith…! It was an astonishing answer to my prayer for deciding my life direction as well! It had been quite a roller coastal ride , witnessing to very wonderfully prepared VIPs of LA, where I was assigned for the Asian outreach n to Hollywood(incidentally it’s the same name street where I was born in the ‘old country..,) n attendance free education to our seminary w/religious diversity of professors… my life was even more changed drastically, when my eternal spouse was matched (fr Harvard Divinity School, on ME biblical research)! Now grdma of 4 cultured geniuses, of deep loving loyal hearts brings it all worthwhile! My parents also finally attested to validity of our church’s Divine teachings on biblical ‘myths’being clarified… n now working in Hesvdnly Realms w/ Chinese historical figures ) emperor, Buddhist reformers, Confucianisms, activists for women self defense heroines, n even Bruce Lee… as Mither God’s directed activities in Heaven n on Esrth…)to balance genders n heal “generational trauma”universally/cosmically.., Her wish for humanity is to “ have ecstatic loving lives” n relate to Her Fivine Needs through all that we experience as women… all of our loves/sorrows… Her long “Lamentation” poem resulted…which brought so much sadness n shame that I myself did not share every experience as a woman , w/My Heavenly Mother..,!🥲😇
We are following Mother Gid’s “Direct dominion” chats now… very apocalyptic times!as well very heartistic chats that are individually oriented ! One on One !
It’s high time to follow the “ Peace Plan” of Mother God…!( gender balancing for peace leadership development, n healing generational trauma in old cultures of Afr/China/Asia! Through daily “ channelling” fr.a descendent of father of Jesus Christ, Zachariah( 24/7/365 days! Mother God is now directing people ( both in n physical world )starting from Emperors to female historical successful activists to philosophers in Buddhism, Christianity n all major religious leadership, using proven successful models of family healing to lead this new age of Eve(1/23 started officially w/matured balanced pple….) thru networks globally for Peace in ME/Asia/Africa/oceanic island countries!😇🎎
Thank you for hi-lighting the climate crisis. It is one that needs as much attention as possible. Your'e doing an important service by focusing on it as part of the huge problem we have.
That's the one bearing down on us, and I've encouraged everyone to subscribe to the brilliant
Geoffrey Deihl -- -- who has now recommended people subscribe to me as the best endorsement I ever have gotten!
You're right, Suzanne, about the need for co-operation in order to effect real change. Unfortunately, change and the will to co-operate can come about only from the bottom up, never from the top down. I wouldn't put any hope in Kamala Harris or any President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, for that matter. These people represent a system that benefits Big Money: that's how they got elected/nominated, and that's how they stay in power. Humanity appears to be going through a major shift, and we will have to struggle through very dark times before we get to see any light.
We are on the same page. I could have written every word you wrote. We are so stuck. And Kamala winning could keep us sleeping, where if Trump gets in we'd be so shook up so as to maybe jar us loose from the way it is.
All my advocacy is about what we-the-people could do in an end run around government. I don't know why no power figures have gotten us organized, but praying that my riding the horse in the direction it has to go could be the ticket. Stick with what I'm putting out for what we could do together.
The best we can do is what we do best, and not give up!
I was disappointed by the left, when Marianne Williamson was running for president before the 2020 primaries, because they tossed her aside with jokes, refusing to take her seriously. Maybe they were right, but there is a prominent place for her, her ideas, and her role modeling. Michelle Obama is another role model that should be taken seriously. It's also sad that we treated Hillary with such disdain, as she has so much wisdom to give. Thank you for this fantastic essay. I will share it everywhere, as I do have a sizable following personally and in several groups which I've created. Marianne (and many of us here on Substack) isn't tied to one rigid political view, and appeals to a wide variety of moderate voters. I can see her talents being very useful to America, in the right context. At the least, the media would do us all a favor to listen better, and reconsider her advice.
Kamala is a watered down version of those great women, but please god she becomes someone we can work with to tune her into what they could help her with! I ruminate on the world we are in where you'd think the breakthrough woman President would be someone who is beyond brilliant, and here we are with someone we didn't even vote for in a primary, but the world hopefully knows better than we do and this may rally the rest of us, in true democratic fashion, to rise up and unite to move us forward.
Yes, another person working on creating a new consciousness is David Gershon, who is working for "Peace on Earth by 2030—the Game," which gets people to act out on seven themes and record them. They begin in triads, then expand to 9 people - a peace zone - and then expand again. It is a process.
Another person is Elaine Parkes, who is working on Mindcraft—12 Habits. She posts a different habit for followers to do each month, and it takes about a month for a habit to become a habit.
We all need to work together.
I was disappointed with Dave Gershon with whom I had a private conversation about linking up, where I felt very disrespected in his insistence he had the winning game and his dismissal of my asking him to look at what I was saying about needing more immediate things to pay attention to where his game isn't immediate at all.
And I guess you mean Minecraft, but I am an old geezer who never played a game so no comment on her.
You r so right( any habit takes at least 21 days… I heard way back…) diets too !
Thank you for your comments. I agree with you that we need urgent immediate action and may not have time till 2030. Both the climate crisis and the risk of nuclear war are very urgent. I am glad that you did reach out to David and am sorry that it didn't work out. All the best. I enjoy your comments Suzanne.
I love your “ Original mind set” ! Kudos to your mind of fine intellect /heart for betterment of this dysfunctional society of misalignments … which shows a giant shift in earthly plane is in flux…n US is governed by Gemini/Cancer ( progressives/conservatives signs)all talk but sometimes able to have basic values still …holding the fifty states in some sort of cohesiveness! We in the Unification movement aim to be in our original founder’s Ideal mindset of “ Heart/Head/Wing” … taught in our grad school for peace leadership Int’l( n daily inspirational sermonettes of our founder ( Rev.Sun Myung Moon successor to that heavy Mission of Jesus Christ met on Easter AM while praying for peace at NK mt top, 1936 /partner/now widow/Mother of Peace, Dr.Hak Ja Han Moon, mother of 14 adult children , n over 34 grandkids n great grd kids n leadership globally for Women Federation for World Peace Int’l( WFWPI)
I don't want to be ungrateful for your support, but the rest is a can of worms. Here's AI: "Reverend Sun Myung Moon was a controversial figure who was seen as a savior by some and a confidence trickster by others." Let's not argue here - everyone can look things up for themselves.
I was in a quandary on Rev .Moon n the Unification Movement , in a wkend workshop, back a couple of decades ago, on topic of 2nd Coming of Jesus lecture, n went to pray at night … next morning , while doing my AM exercise, the whole area in a natural setting became Gsrden of Gethsemene, a very cold evil feeling, then out of nowhere, I see Jesus w/thorny crown n laboriously carrying His wooden cross, came towards me ( came downhill from the “ Holy Ground”), n nodded to me to follow His nodded gesture, to Hus house, that was to be His Newly blessed matched wife’s main mansion, formerly the Conference building n the Moon family Residence ..,! I was in a strange shocked state,so I rushed back to my sleeping bag to pray hard on what I had just experienced…! It was a definitive moment in my life of faith…! It was an astonishing answer to my prayer for deciding my life direction as well! It had been quite a roller coastal ride , witnessing to very wonderfully prepared VIPs of LA, where I was assigned for the Asian outreach n to Hollywood(incidentally it’s the same name street where I was born in the ‘old country..,) n attendance free education to our seminary w/religious diversity of professors… my life was even more changed drastically, when my eternal spouse was matched (fr Harvard Divinity School, on ME biblical research)! Now grdma of 4 cultured geniuses, of deep loving loyal hearts brings it all worthwhile! My parents also finally attested to validity of our church’s Divine teachings on biblical ‘myths’being clarified… n now working in Hesvdnly Realms w/ Chinese historical figures ) emperor, Buddhist reformers, Confucianisms, activists for women self defense heroines, n even Bruce Lee… as Mither God’s directed activities in Heaven n on Esrth…)to balance genders n heal “generational trauma”universally/cosmically.., Her wish for humanity is to “ have ecstatic loving lives” n relate to Her Fivine Needs through all that we experience as women… all of our loves/sorrows… Her long “Lamentation” poem resulted…which brought so much sadness n shame that I myself did not share every experience as a woman , w/My Heavenly Mother..,!🥲😇
Is there an AI for “ Messianic figure”?
We are following Mother Gid’s “Direct dominion” chats now… very apocalyptic times!as well very heartistic chats that are individually oriented ! One on One !
It’s high time to follow the “ Peace Plan” of Mother God…!( gender balancing for peace leadership development, n healing generational trauma in old cultures of Afr/China/Asia! Through daily “ channelling” fr.a descendent of father of Jesus Christ, Zachariah( 24/7/365 days! Mother God is now directing people ( both in n physical world )starting from Emperors to female historical successful activists to philosophers in Buddhism, Christianity n all major religious leadership, using proven successful models of family healing to lead this new age of Eve(1/23 started officially w/matured balanced pple….) thru networks globally for Peace in ME/Asia/Africa/oceanic island countries!😇🎎