Oct 11, 2023Liked by Suzanne Taylor

Consider me a fellow Cheerleader for Team Cosmos!

Your awesome, inspiring article is written in the same spirit and with the same truly revolutionary, heart-centered perspective I spoke from in a Zoom call today addressing the meta crisis, held in an online community I’m active in.

I felt called to share a powerful dream I had two years ago in which I was acting as an effective shepherd for others as we move through the Apocalypse. I was effective because I didn’t let fear or panic overwhelm me. I knew--and accepted, even appreciated--that we were going through a traumatic, tragic experience as a species, so I not only remained calm, I was cheerful. It wasn’t that I was denying reality, but that I was able to hold space for the sorrow and grief of this Moment while staying earnestly upbeat.

Someone on the call told me her son had been listening in and agreeing with everything I said and called me “cheerfully morbid.”

It’s funny, because I am a fan of The Grateful Dead and “cheerfully morbid” connects to the paradoxical nature of reality.

Last, THANK YOU for your personalized style, sharing how you are growing into using this app for your writing. Your openness about that process inspires me that it’s time I get to my “September Project” of re-starting my weekly blog posts but doing it over here on Substack. So I’ll close with a question: Do you have any advice based on your experience about using Substack? (I’ve been on Medium for 4 years and Wordpress for 8 before that).

Anyway, you REALLY are onto something with the human-loving and encouraging suggestions in this post! I could say more about why I believe, so long as a person isn’t faking it, this perspective and Spirit looks like a very successful path forward based on my understanding of studying astrology for the past few years, but I’ve written more than enough.

Just, please, KEEP WRITING!!

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Partnership is key. I'd love to share my work on regenerative leadership - actions that help the planet thrive. By working WITH the Earth, using her principles, we can actually make headway into a new way of living that is LIFE centric. Let's play! https://bridgetopartnership.com

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Suzanne Taylor

I love the new name. Go team Cosmos!

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That’s why these values work, but we have only seen them as separate ideas. It is only now, that we understand them as parts if a SYSTEM that the power of that A BD the consequences of that, have become clear.

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