A vote for Democracy is a vote to keep your vote. A vote for Gop is the last time you will have rhe right to vote.

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We can bluster about "the alternative being unthinkable," but the point of this was how thinkable it is. I thought it was quite a courageous piece, not swallowing the Democratic Kool-Aid but being brutally honest instead.

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We need a new award show -- Alchemy Awards... and the winner is: All of Us...

Instead of Biden OR Trump... make them work together, under a council of wise-women. Find and empower the circle-facilitators who stir the alchemical mix and make it happen.

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They would never work together. Let's just have the Wise Women

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Maybe we could put them both in consciousness school. Or a little MDMA together..???

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Why an advisory position for Marianne Williamson? She is an inspiration for those who have heard her speak and has the authority of a leader. If you read her policies at www.marianne2024.com you will see she is deeply prepared for the presidency.

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But not deeply acceptable by the public. That's why I relegated her to advisory. What I've said is that if everyone who possibly could run would not be identified and just were listened to, so that it was an even playing field, it wouldn't even be close that Marianne Williamson would win hands down.

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It’s sad to see how divided you are south of the boarder. Having gone to grad school in California from 2016-2019, and seeing firsthand some of unsavoury aspects being done in the name of progressiveness — I can see why people on the right equally see the 2024 election as a fight to save democracy.

I truly hope you all come together and get it figured out before the repercussions boil over into Canada.

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People on the right saving democracy? I don't think so. They are hellbent of strong man rule, which is testimony to how badly people are being served by this rule of the oligarchy, with the rich get richer and the poor getting poorer, we have going on now.

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Suzanne - you speak of circle, however, with this you’re stuck within a psychology of us vs them, and good vs evil. I agree with much of what you’ve highlighted about the right. What’s the shadow of the left? Why might people be afraid of it? Where is the left stuck in group think? Additionally, what’s the shadow of a two party “democracy” system?

It’s funny (actually not funny, it’s slightly terrifying) - when I speak to conservative minded people about our work with Community Enterprise they are usually quick (but not always) to understand it’s scalable potential for deeper democracy and that it inherently builds collective wealth.

Most of the resistance comes from people on the left who are too busy fighting the system, or who can’t get past the ideal that a vote is going to save democracy, or that the left is somehow going to magically create a utopian future. Sadly, that was my experience for three years in California.

Again - I truly hope you all come together beyond the divides, reflect on your own shadows, and then together take wise systems action.

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I don't follow all you say. Both parties run on it being an economic world rather than a humanitarian one -- a world of separation instead of unity. And the column in this post isn't the simplistic us vs. them. You are working, in Canada, with ushering in a massively different system of "how to Self-Govern with decentralized power," that people can read about here: https://equila.co/community, but that doesn't have anything to do with this post about the dysfunctional system we're in.

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What I’m saying is to be mindful of lumping all people on the right as the enemy. From my experience many of them are just as disenfranchised as you and others on the left ♥️

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The horror is that the right is Trump now. You don't hear much objection. Look at Congress. The number who have swallowed the Kool-Aid is shocking, where there is no other Republican party now.

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Terrifying eh!? And sadly it’s similar from the other side - multiple leaders on the left just came out saying Biden is sharp and ready to lead 😳. Many are asking who is actually running the left?

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I’m with you on this. I can’t get it off my mind, either. I don’t feel it’s necessarily a “hold-my-nose” choice with Biden, but rather a (desperate) hope that enough people will reject Trump and give us whatever time it takes to form some sort of new government with the conundrum we’re in, politically, economically and sociologically. It’s obviously time for massive change, and I’m at a complete loss for a logical conclusion…like we’re on that Titanic of a different kind and era, and at least we’re looking for the icebergs but aren’t organized enough to take the helm. 🫣

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That's a good Titanic analogy. I like it. It says something. Getting humanity on the same page is elemental. That's when the world works. And so natural. All the separations we created to manage ourselves along the way. Then we had to protect them and we got better add better at being deadly and here we are, on a path to destruction. Got to get organized to get off it.

Re the seated position we talk about, change "I’m at a complete loss for a logical conclusion," to "We're at a complete loss for a logical conclusion." Even better, take it out so the Titanic zings.

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I see what she sees, and I'm terrified. We need to do two things: one, start elevating s good candidate .now. for 28, assuming we get an election in 28. If we're going to run someone different this year I don't know how we do it since the primaries have happened. We don't have the structure for a third.party candidate. The time to run a different Dem was in January before the primaries. I suppose we could see if there's a way to get the DNC to nominate someone else but as she says it needs to be a shoe in. Operas would be an interesting choice. I don't trust Williamson. But honestly if we're going to win this one we need someone even the centrist conservatives will get behind and I don't know who that is. I would have backed Beto O'Rourke but he's clearly gone a different route. I think many of us would happily back a good someone else but we need that someone else. I wish I knew why Biden didn't tell the DNC to get moving on a new candidate as soon as he took office.

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There's no official process where Biden isn't the nominee. He'd have to step down. And in that scenario there's no time to develop name recognition. Who besides Oprah and Clooney? Some essays in my contest had Taylor Swift to the rescue in their save the world scenarios!

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I think people overestimated her in those essays. She's amazing and a brilliant marketer and businessperson. But I don't think she'd be a good president and I think she wouldn't attract enough of the "undecided" vote.

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You think? In this weird world, I bet we would elect her! Actually, that would make a good movie!

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Great article. She’s got it right from my perspective. However, I think Biden has done a great job given all he’s had to deal with the congress he has. I vote for him happily. Adonnah

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I thought her piece was shocking and that we all would vote for Biden with some of us doing it because the alternative is unthinkable and some liking Biden. But look at what else is going on. That a columnist blew that whistle I found astonishing, alarming, and valuable to discover the truth she told.

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amazingly well said and amazingly painful. It’s so hard , it’s so confusing and we’re all in it. The world is changing. We don’t know where it’s headed but we’re in it and everywhere I turn People are in stress--sometimes for positive reasons, but most often for hard things. we who connect here are all trying to figure it out, but answers and agreements are hard to find. I just pray people vote and let their choice be heard. and of course I hope people do not throw their vote away.

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"just pray people vote and let their choice be heard"-- but the column deals with people who don't have any choice so they won't vote. That could be very bad Biden news, maybe even bad enough for him to step down.

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What “article” are you referring to? I’d like to read it.

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The Column that's in the post.

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It amazes me that anyone can look at tfg with anything except shock and horror and then turn to Biden and see anything other than someone who has pulled a rabbit out of the hat in spite of being surrounded by flame throwers.

Give me a guy with character and experience backed by a strong woman any day of the week ... especially on Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024.

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The point of that courageous column was to speak to the brutal reality that won't go away just because we insist on only praising Biden. I trust the truth always sets you free. That was beautifully articulated in the essay in my last post about the stutterer, where transparency was the secret to humanity's success: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/another-winner

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