New Substack title to be more inviting: SUE Speaks about Bottom Lines has morphed to Suzanne Taylor’s How’s About Saving the World?
As Brian Thomas Swimme said to me a lot of years ago, “We’re both pointed at the same thing–igniting a great raging forest fire of love that will sweep us forever out of this deadening sadness of egos and superficiality.” Now, how to get sparks flying?
We need law and order but that shouldn’t be the only way to keep things in line. What’s struggling to be born is where we don’t need regulations to force us do things that are for the greater good. This ethos isn’t just a pipedream. It’s doable.
An anthropologist showed a game to the children of an African tribe ...
He placed a basket of delicious fruits near a tree trunk and told them that the first child to reach the tree will get the basket.
When he gave them the start signal he was surprised that they were walking together, holding hands until they reached the tree and shared the fruit!
When he asked them why they did that when every one of them could get the basket only for himself, they answered with astonishment,
“Ubuntu! How can one of us be happy while the rest are miserable?"
Ubuntu means, “I am because we are.”
It’s essential we become a culture that doesn’t place self-interest first, and I think the purpose of life is to create this as our common understanding, our Ubuntu.
I see Trump getting us riled up enough that we explode the old and regroup on a life-giving path. At this tumultuous time, how about generating conversation about what to do? Get smart talk about possibilities happening everywhere! In all the punditry online about our sorry state there are no ideas, either from the pundits or from the hundreds of comments some of their posts get, beyond electing Democrats. How else might we help the world move along? What can we do? Let’s talk about that.
I see us caring people collecting ourselves so millions of people of goodwill become a force to get behind the good ideas we’d be talking about. THE HUMAN SURVIVAL COALITION? There’s more about that in the first post I made, Would you sign up for THE HUMAN SURVIVAL COALITION?
What say you? Will anybody say anything? If not you, who? How about passing this around?
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