How to change the world?
Either legislation makes people do better things, or people don’t need legislation because they want to create what the legislation would produce. How could everyone go from using war as a means to prevail, to becoming the fair, kind, compassionate, loving creators of a better world?
We could start with talking about what to do. We’re good at history and at outrage, and there are some number of fine blueprints for the future, but, even though we are so threatened in our globalized world, there’s no conversation on what we-the-people could be doing now.
We have the internet. We can reach the world with a key stroke. It could be that we just lack for ideas.
We could start with mine. I keep writing about specific things we could do, and they all are built on these pillars that I’ve had more to say about in previous posts:
A Wisdom Council of the world’s most respected people to give us a voice
A Suggestion Box open to all to give us what goes to the Wisdom Council
A Coalition of the Good to give us a force behind the Wisdom Council’s directives
And, starting now, I’d like to popularize a new creation story. If we’re sinners needing redemption, we behave one way. As beings privileged to be able to think and feel and create and love, we behave another way. And, lo and behold, science, our god du jour, supports a creation story that has us in a grateful, celebratory state of mind. To close off this how-to-change-the-world tutorial, here is Brian Thomas Swimme, the new story’s luminous storyteller:
Has Brian educated you? Are you inspired? Can we talk here?
And, if you like these ideas, please share this post with anyone who thinks like you do. Who knows, we could set something stupendous off!
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I wonder if anybody sees my comments in likely places to find allies, so am very glad to see this! And welcome.
Great Suzanne I just followed your comment in the chat of Video Call "PLENARY EVENT ..... today June 22, 2023