Hey Suzanne — thanks for keeping at it with this theme! I don’t have an immediate path forward (so keep your 100 bucks and let it accrue some interest), but in a paraphrase of an Albert Einstein sentiment, half the solution may lie in asking the right question.
Here’s my current question: what will people do, what will occupy their time, what will be the daily purpose of life in that future society that “our hearts know is possible”?
For millennia, life was primarily about locating the resources needed for surviving the day. Now that the modern world has made that far more easy, we have to occupy people by having them do “jobs” — half of which are not really needed. Moreover, half of the jobs largely exist to mitigate the harm caused by the other half.
If we were doing things “right”, a great deal of this activity would not be needed. How then are these people to spend their time? (Frankly, if I had to spend more than a few weeks on a riverbank, writing poetry, strumming a guitar, and gazing at clouds, I’d probably end up blowing my brains out.)
What is the worthy endeavor that humanity will primarily be engaged with? I suppose in the initial term, simply ensuring that all of the planet’s residents have reasonable access to food, clothing, shelter, security, healthcare, education, and opportunity would be a couple decades task. What then? Probably not a Mars colony, but what?
Now there's a wonderful question. There could be another contest for what the future might look like, but it's easier to fantasize about that than how to save the world and there could be an avalanche of entries. I come across fantasies about the future without work, but I can’t even picture that, although I bet the future, if we get there, will be beyond what we can picture now. Wouldn’t you like to come back just for a little visit say 1000 years from now?
Right on about the immediate challenge of so many scratching just for survival. First would be to get everyone out of poverty so they can be in the game of building the future.
Now that you mention it, it might not even be possible to fully imagine that beautiful future world. I vaguely recall an observation from Brian Swimme years ago, that it is not possible to fully imagine the next paradigm from within the context of the existing paradigm. It has to kind of emerge organically. But I do tend to believe that the next step is often fairly clear (in this case what we mentioned about making possible a life of security and opportunity for all). If we take that step, I also tend to believe that the subsequent one will then become apparent. Perhaps that is how we realize Heaven on Earth — step by step!
Aside from being virtually assured that if we get to a future we'll have become more cooperative, who know exactly how that will present itself. It will, as you say, come from one foot after another, and the step that's up now is to do some intelligent engaging to get us past this precipice where we are basically being selfish instead of basically being humanitarian.
Happy Birthday Suzanne. Mine was on the 25th. Yeah Virgos!!
So how about I have a conversation with you and some of your friends about the vision of Stable Planet Alliance (stableplanetalliance.org). We are looking for partners who want to catalyze a movement to create a compassionate, just and ecologically stable world. We are setting up opportunities to speak with people about the systemic causation of our conundrum, which starts with the metacrisis (our separation from ourselves, each other, other beings and Earth itself). We look to enroll them in 1) talking openly about our existential opportunity to turn ourselves around, 2) take personal and community action, 3) tell our leaders (everywhere) that we want them to address our predicament. We need to be ready to change our lifestyles and let go of our sacred cows.
We have community gatherings every month in various time zones to name what is real, encourage, educate, and celebrate each others' efforts and outcomes in this field of endeavor.
We are the "more beautiful world our hearts knows is possible" (Charles Eisenstein). We have the opportunity to act from this place to create this place in "heaven on Earth" (Jesus the Christ). Let's let go of the crisis framing and celebrate this once is a generation opportunity to make the "Great Turning" (Craig Schindler and Gary Lapid).
It would be great if we could coordinate. I'm looking for us not so much to get leaders to do what we want but to be causal as a force to change humanity's mind. Nothing conflicts with your elements but it's a bigger box that could make sweeping change instead of incremental change. I'd start firing people up with the beautiful story we are in, of this amazing universe that gave rise to humans, who took a turn into conflict instead of cooperation (think back to indigenous people) and needs to course correct to come from a celebratory place. That's the compassionate, just and ecologically stable world.
You remind me to BE the beautiful world, that is already here whether we choose to see it or not! I choose to work from here. Perhaps our partnership will remind me continually to come back to looking and working from this place!
I hesitate to post again, because I can already hear your reply in the vein of "That's something I've already talked about, and it's not enough" - however, I am a HUGE advocate for massive systemic change, and believe that our work in bringing together neighborhoods is fundamental to that change. I think a focus on that project, without distraction, to make a massive impact nation and world-wide, that would really cause a change. For me, the key in this is not over-selling, or over-stating, or over-egoing the project... it's simply about bringing people together, because when that happens, the good things come up all on their own - mutual aid, spirituality conversations, local action. We have a huge project launching 20 Villages nation-wide this fall (https://www.villageco.org/builders). Wish us luck! We can use the help - it's an all-volunteer effort! If anyone thinks this is worth $100 to support, your help is really needed - we are largely a poor-people's campaign of very scrappy people trying to keep this rolling forward. https://www.villageco.org/givingcircle
You folks, Jason is a good guy doing work that would be great to be happening everywhere, and I recommend everyone get into a village. The only "resistance" you get from me is that it isn't my work. Especially getting older and not having my whole life before me, I'm zeroed in on what I could do in the time I have to make the most difference, let alone I think it's THE most vital thing anyone could be doing. Get humanity thinking of itself as noble and altruistic and people being in villages would be how to be operational in that perspective.
I hear you saying that the change you want to see in the world is made operational through building local community. Relationships are a powerful means of leaving a mark in the world. Cheers to you focusing on the way you want to make an impact, Sue!
I take a pragmatic nuts and bolts approach to problem solving. I LOVE difficult problems. I author definitive feasibility studies. I design and test systems. NOT software.
So, you can either hand me a problem, or you can take a look at the solutions sets for problems I have identified, in my post 'An Introduction'.
Before any capital moves, it is a good idea to have a heuristic ballpark on outcomes possibilities.
Re "how to construct and integrated agroindustrial system for food security, and carbon negative biomass energy and fuel production," I'd taking a deeper dive into all you present if in fact you deal with how to get us to think differently, that I don't think you do. That's my bailiwick for how to get to the world we want to be in, and, if I handed you the problem of how to get humanity tuned into to the new creation story that would have us caring about each other, could you go to work on it?
Ever deal with a donkey? The harder you pull the more they resist. Studies support the idea that any persuasion contrary to presuppositions cements the existing mindset...
There are top down and bottom up strategies. Mine revolve around food security for the most part, because after air, water and sleep that is the priority.
Happy Birthday, Suzanne!!! I practice Soulful Relating and happen to know a hotspot where that movement is happening. A friend and Soul Theatre partner, the artist Marcus Maria Jung, is working on a Tree Sanctuary in Mount Shasta for “people from all walks of life, ages, professions, religious, racial and cultural backgrounds and gender. TREE SANCTUARY is meant to be an evolving social and artistic experiment for those who long to reconnect with nature and dare to tend to their own soul’s longing for healing and transformation towards living a creative, purposeful and joyful life centered in community."
Several artists/healers and visionaries (myself included) have decided to support and collaborate with Marcus. Let me know if you resonate and i’ll be happy to forward Marcus' proposal. More about Marcus: https://www.marcusmariajung.com/ and Soulful Relating: https://soulfulrelating.com/
I love arty project, and have produced a fair share of them. Mount Shasta would have been something for an earlier phase of my life.
Soulful relating looks to me like you've put the label "soul" on what could have been called "authentic." THE way to fly, and coming from that place could be the goal for anyone tuned into inner dimensions. Dealing with people to tune them in sounds like ideal work.
This is lovely: "This network is for the worldwide group of people working on "reinhabiting" Earth’s bioregions." We have to get back to where we are in local communities working on issues locally. But my bailiwick is where we collectively get the visceral reality that we are one humanity.,
Check out the 3Melete Sound Healing Programs, www.3Melete.com The methods develop compassion, epigenetic changes that change how we respond to stress and inflammation, diminish depression and anxiety, boost the immune system, and connect to insight, problem-solving, creativity, and intuition, all of which are part of getting and thinking outside of the box, essentially building a different layer of trust.
When we transfer from ordinary consciousness to alpha brain waves and deeper states we are accessing these restorative states where regulation of our mental and emotional system occur as well as releasing trauma. It seems to me there is a lot of trauma in our lives, from this life, that is passed on through families and generations that needs to be healed so people can trust themselves and others and expand into evolution. Human beings were never designed to stay or thrive in ordinary consciousness which ancient people knew.
Although there are people who may have a solution for an area as long as the leading mental and physical illnesses are caused by stress, cortisol production, and inflammation including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, addiction, immune-compromised illness, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, diabetes, schizophrenia, bi-polar, and anxiety and depression we cannot move forward.
There is a greater movement of spirituality from grassroots into mainstream that is slowly addressing some areas but it is slow moving. The understanding that we need to consistently change our brain waves for restoration has been neglected and may even be intentionally overlooked.
Understanding we can access profound changes in our body, mind, emotions and spirit that generates neurogenesis is transformational.
I appreciate your enthusiasm for how to help change the direction we are going and consistent drive to get something done. And I appreciate your willingness to connect with others and inspire them. Love your photo, your colorfulness and your furniture! You have great energy!
Sound is a world that we've hardly begun to tune into where there are such tantalizing thoughts about things like building the pyramids. What if we could pipe something into one of those stadiums with tens of thousands of people? I'd love to be able to give sound a try. You speak so cogently that it drums up interest. Now what? To get attention paid, get one big influencer to have an important experience!
How impressive they are, with so many participants and it's all so well-presented so you see what everyone is up to in creating understanding among people.
Their mission: "Listen First Project elevates the impact of the movement to bridge divides in America. We connect the efforts of 500 Listen First Coalition partners bringing people together across divides."
It's heartwarming to see so much that's getting people to be able to participate in the cooperative world we need to be. However, there isn't any intention to get system change to happen.
I'm saving this to go back to them to enroll their support for any action to take that we come up with.
I'm curious what you mean by "systems change" in this instance, Suzanne. Many of the involved organizations speak in terms of "cultural change". Are you looking for advocates of citizen engagement methodologies (like citizen assemblies) some of whom envision these being institutionalized (e.g., as permanent citizen legislature, or as convened by government through citizen petition as constitutionally provided for) - as in https://democracyrd.org/ and https://www.democracybeyondelections.org/ or... ? What do you have in mind in your use of the term?
As I think you know, I advocate such things - especially in my book Empowering Public Wisdom. But I'm not an organizer and don't organize them. But I do know people working on such visions as I noted above, although mostly in Europe and Taiwan.
We need to make an elemental change in how we are in the world. We have to go from materialism to altruism, from selfishness to caring. It's outside of the operational way we do things, and lives in the thinking realm. As we think, so we act. Get thinking to change and we create the world we want to live in.
If you mean changing thinking in ways that shift our way of being and behaving in the world, these are the tip of the iceberg of thousands of such efforts. My co-intelligence work - based on wholeness, interconnectedness, and co-creativity https://co-intelligence.institute - seems to fundamentally belong to that tribe.
When you say "system change", I think "the way things are set up" (especially economically, politically, governance, etc.) BASED ON particular ways of thinking (paradigms). My Wise Democracy Pattern Language, consisting of "design guidances" for social systems capable of generating collective wisdom - https://wd-pl.com especially https://www.wd-pl.com/patterns/pattern-list-v2/ - offers a holistic vision of systems change.
Again, there are so many good efforts at new ways of thinking that I'm seriously curious what you are looking for....
None of these are what I'm looking for. In this world that still is run by rugged individualism, we've got to get on another path. I want to look for that. What, besides aliens landing or some cataclysm, could uplift humanity? My Substack is full of ideas that schemers could start with.
Hey Suzanne — thanks for keeping at it with this theme! I don’t have an immediate path forward (so keep your 100 bucks and let it accrue some interest), but in a paraphrase of an Albert Einstein sentiment, half the solution may lie in asking the right question.
Here’s my current question: what will people do, what will occupy their time, what will be the daily purpose of life in that future society that “our hearts know is possible”?
For millennia, life was primarily about locating the resources needed for surviving the day. Now that the modern world has made that far more easy, we have to occupy people by having them do “jobs” — half of which are not really needed. Moreover, half of the jobs largely exist to mitigate the harm caused by the other half.
If we were doing things “right”, a great deal of this activity would not be needed. How then are these people to spend their time? (Frankly, if I had to spend more than a few weeks on a riverbank, writing poetry, strumming a guitar, and gazing at clouds, I’d probably end up blowing my brains out.)
What is the worthy endeavor that humanity will primarily be engaged with? I suppose in the initial term, simply ensuring that all of the planet’s residents have reasonable access to food, clothing, shelter, security, healthcare, education, and opportunity would be a couple decades task. What then? Probably not a Mars colony, but what?
... in the meantime, Happy Birthday!
Now there's a wonderful question. There could be another contest for what the future might look like, but it's easier to fantasize about that than how to save the world and there could be an avalanche of entries. I come across fantasies about the future without work, but I can’t even picture that, although I bet the future, if we get there, will be beyond what we can picture now. Wouldn’t you like to come back just for a little visit say 1000 years from now?
Right on about the immediate challenge of so many scratching just for survival. First would be to get everyone out of poverty so they can be in the game of building the future.
Now that you mention it, it might not even be possible to fully imagine that beautiful future world. I vaguely recall an observation from Brian Swimme years ago, that it is not possible to fully imagine the next paradigm from within the context of the existing paradigm. It has to kind of emerge organically. But I do tend to believe that the next step is often fairly clear (in this case what we mentioned about making possible a life of security and opportunity for all). If we take that step, I also tend to believe that the subsequent one will then become apparent. Perhaps that is how we realize Heaven on Earth — step by step!
Aside from being virtually assured that if we get to a future we'll have become more cooperative, who know exactly how that will present itself. It will, as you say, come from one foot after another, and the step that's up now is to do some intelligent engaging to get us past this precipice where we are basically being selfish instead of basically being humanitarian.
I love your inspiring words, Suzanne. I think we all yearn for the oneness you describe.
Happy Birthday Suzanne. Mine was on the 25th. Yeah Virgos!!
So how about I have a conversation with you and some of your friends about the vision of Stable Planet Alliance (stableplanetalliance.org). We are looking for partners who want to catalyze a movement to create a compassionate, just and ecologically stable world. We are setting up opportunities to speak with people about the systemic causation of our conundrum, which starts with the metacrisis (our separation from ourselves, each other, other beings and Earth itself). We look to enroll them in 1) talking openly about our existential opportunity to turn ourselves around, 2) take personal and community action, 3) tell our leaders (everywhere) that we want them to address our predicament. We need to be ready to change our lifestyles and let go of our sacred cows.
We have community gatherings every month in various time zones to name what is real, encourage, educate, and celebrate each others' efforts and outcomes in this field of endeavor.
We are the "more beautiful world our hearts knows is possible" (Charles Eisenstein). We have the opportunity to act from this place to create this place in "heaven on Earth" (Jesus the Christ). Let's let go of the crisis framing and celebrate this once is a generation opportunity to make the "Great Turning" (Craig Schindler and Gary Lapid).
pam pence
Back at you with a birthday hug. And a little taste of something I got! https://vimeo.com/1003393007.
It would be great if we could coordinate. I'm looking for us not so much to get leaders to do what we want but to be causal as a force to change humanity's mind. Nothing conflicts with your elements but it's a bigger box that could make sweeping change instead of incremental change. I'd start firing people up with the beautiful story we are in, of this amazing universe that gave rise to humans, who took a turn into conflict instead of cooperation (think back to indigenous people) and needs to course correct to come from a celebratory place. That's the compassionate, just and ecologically stable world.
You remind me to BE the beautiful world, that is already here whether we choose to see it or not! I choose to work from here. Perhaps our partnership will remind me continually to come back to looking and working from this place!
Happy birthday, Suzanne and thanks for sharing your wisdom and inspiring words!
Happy Birthday, Suzanne!
Hey Bruce, with you being family, here's what the residents did: https://vimeo.com/1003393007
I love the video. What they did to decorate for you was spectacular!
Happy birthday Sue!
I hesitate to post again, because I can already hear your reply in the vein of "That's something I've already talked about, and it's not enough" - however, I am a HUGE advocate for massive systemic change, and believe that our work in bringing together neighborhoods is fundamental to that change. I think a focus on that project, without distraction, to make a massive impact nation and world-wide, that would really cause a change. For me, the key in this is not over-selling, or over-stating, or over-egoing the project... it's simply about bringing people together, because when that happens, the good things come up all on their own - mutual aid, spirituality conversations, local action. We have a huge project launching 20 Villages nation-wide this fall (https://www.villageco.org/builders). Wish us luck! We can use the help - it's an all-volunteer effort! If anyone thinks this is worth $100 to support, your help is really needed - we are largely a poor-people's campaign of very scrappy people trying to keep this rolling forward. https://www.villageco.org/givingcircle
You folks, Jason is a good guy doing work that would be great to be happening everywhere, and I recommend everyone get into a village. The only "resistance" you get from me is that it isn't my work. Especially getting older and not having my whole life before me, I'm zeroed in on what I could do in the time I have to make the most difference, let alone I think it's THE most vital thing anyone could be doing. Get humanity thinking of itself as noble and altruistic and people being in villages would be how to be operational in that perspective.
I hear you saying that the change you want to see in the world is made operational through building local community. Relationships are a powerful means of leaving a mark in the world. Cheers to you focusing on the way you want to make an impact, Sue!
Happy birthday to us.
I take a pragmatic nuts and bolts approach to problem solving. I LOVE difficult problems. I author definitive feasibility studies. I design and test systems. NOT software.
So, you can either hand me a problem, or you can take a look at the solutions sets for problems I have identified, in my post 'An Introduction'.
Before any capital moves, it is a good idea to have a heuristic ballpark on outcomes possibilities.
Re "how to construct and integrated agroindustrial system for food security, and carbon negative biomass energy and fuel production," I'd taking a deeper dive into all you present if in fact you deal with how to get us to think differently, that I don't think you do. That's my bailiwick for how to get to the world we want to be in, and, if I handed you the problem of how to get humanity tuned into to the new creation story that would have us caring about each other, could you go to work on it?
Changing the physical environment to be more favorable and less threatening and stressful is how I approach that problem.
So what to do?
Ever deal with a donkey? The harder you pull the more they resist. Studies support the idea that any persuasion contrary to presuppositions cements the existing mindset...
How would you proceed?
There are top down and bottom up strategies. Mine revolve around food security for the most part, because after air, water and sleep that is the priority.
Happy Birthday, Suzanne!!! I practice Soulful Relating and happen to know a hotspot where that movement is happening. A friend and Soul Theatre partner, the artist Marcus Maria Jung, is working on a Tree Sanctuary in Mount Shasta for “people from all walks of life, ages, professions, religious, racial and cultural backgrounds and gender. TREE SANCTUARY is meant to be an evolving social and artistic experiment for those who long to reconnect with nature and dare to tend to their own soul’s longing for healing and transformation towards living a creative, purposeful and joyful life centered in community."
Several artists/healers and visionaries (myself included) have decided to support and collaborate with Marcus. Let me know if you resonate and i’ll be happy to forward Marcus' proposal. More about Marcus: https://www.marcusmariajung.com/ and Soulful Relating: https://soulfulrelating.com/
I love arty project, and have produced a fair share of them. Mount Shasta would have been something for an earlier phase of my life.
Soulful relating looks to me like you've put the label "soul" on what could have been called "authentic." THE way to fly, and coming from that place could be the goal for anyone tuned into inner dimensions. Dealing with people to tune them in sounds like ideal work.
It brings Nic Askew to mind, who is newly on Substack, doing video "soul portraits": https://nicaskew.substack.com/
This is lovely: "This network is for the worldwide group of people working on "reinhabiting" Earth’s bioregions." We have to get back to where we are in local communities working on issues locally. But my bailiwick is where we collectively get the visceral reality that we are one humanity.,
Check out the 3Melete Sound Healing Programs, www.3Melete.com The methods develop compassion, epigenetic changes that change how we respond to stress and inflammation, diminish depression and anxiety, boost the immune system, and connect to insight, problem-solving, creativity, and intuition, all of which are part of getting and thinking outside of the box, essentially building a different layer of trust.
When we transfer from ordinary consciousness to alpha brain waves and deeper states we are accessing these restorative states where regulation of our mental and emotional system occur as well as releasing trauma. It seems to me there is a lot of trauma in our lives, from this life, that is passed on through families and generations that needs to be healed so people can trust themselves and others and expand into evolution. Human beings were never designed to stay or thrive in ordinary consciousness which ancient people knew.
Although there are people who may have a solution for an area as long as the leading mental and physical illnesses are caused by stress, cortisol production, and inflammation including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, addiction, immune-compromised illness, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, diabetes, schizophrenia, bi-polar, and anxiety and depression we cannot move forward.
There is a greater movement of spirituality from grassroots into mainstream that is slowly addressing some areas but it is slow moving. The understanding that we need to consistently change our brain waves for restoration has been neglected and may even be intentionally overlooked.
Understanding we can access profound changes in our body, mind, emotions and spirit that generates neurogenesis is transformational.
I appreciate your enthusiasm for how to help change the direction we are going and consistent drive to get something done. And I appreciate your willingness to connect with others and inspire them. Love your photo, your colorfulness and your furniture! You have great energy!
Everyone is needed. Namaste.
Sound is a world that we've hardly begun to tune into where there are such tantalizing thoughts about things like building the pyramids. What if we could pipe something into one of those stadiums with tens of thousands of people? I'd love to be able to give sound a try. You speak so cogently that it drums up interest. Now what? To get attention paid, get one big influencer to have an important experience!
I just learned about this possibility that may speak to your ask - the Listen First Project - in 3 layers of links:
How impressive they are, with so many participants and it's all so well-presented so you see what everyone is up to in creating understanding among people.
Their mission: "Listen First Project elevates the impact of the movement to bridge divides in America. We connect the efforts of 500 Listen First Coalition partners bringing people together across divides."
It's heartwarming to see so much that's getting people to be able to participate in the cooperative world we need to be. However, there isn't any intention to get system change to happen.
I'm saving this to go back to them to enroll their support for any action to take that we come up with.
Stable Planet Alliance is challenging those who talk about it to ......DO Something!
I'll check out Listen First Project too.
We are very open to feedback to get our ball rolling faster and more effectively too!
I'm curious what you mean by "systems change" in this instance, Suzanne. Many of the involved organizations speak in terms of "cultural change". Are you looking for advocates of citizen engagement methodologies (like citizen assemblies) some of whom envision these being institutionalized (e.g., as permanent citizen legislature, or as convened by government through citizen petition as constitutionally provided for) - as in https://democracyrd.org/ and https://www.democracybeyondelections.org/ or... ? What do you have in mind in your use of the term?
As I think you know, I advocate such things - especially in my book Empowering Public Wisdom. But I'm not an organizer and don't organize them. But I do know people working on such visions as I noted above, although mostly in Europe and Taiwan.
We need to make an elemental change in how we are in the world. We have to go from materialism to altruism, from selfishness to caring. It's outside of the operational way we do things, and lives in the thinking realm. As we think, so we act. Get thinking to change and we create the world we want to live in.
In that case, how about Vanessa Andriotti's Hospicing Modernity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7MX1UBUS1M & https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57425775-hospicing-modernity and the Pachamama Alliance https://pachamama.org/ (both grounded in Indigenous worldviews) ... as well as the various thought leaders articulating the implications of the metacrisis, like Daniel Schmachtenberger (e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmusbHBKW84&list=PLdc087VsWiC4Nwh42Sm5hHpu2OGgi-Ez1&index=11&t=619s ) and his Consilience Project https://consilienceproject.org/ and Jonathan Rowson (e.g., https://www.tomatleeblog.com/archives/175328783) and his Perspectiva here in Substack https://perspecteeva.substack.com/ .... as well as the many people working on Regenerativity https://www.wd-pl.com/patterns/pattern-list-v2/72-regenerativity-v2/ .... etc.
If you mean changing thinking in ways that shift our way of being and behaving in the world, these are the tip of the iceberg of thousands of such efforts. My co-intelligence work - based on wholeness, interconnectedness, and co-creativity https://co-intelligence.institute - seems to fundamentally belong to that tribe.
When you say "system change", I think "the way things are set up" (especially economically, politically, governance, etc.) BASED ON particular ways of thinking (paradigms). My Wise Democracy Pattern Language, consisting of "design guidances" for social systems capable of generating collective wisdom - https://wd-pl.com especially https://www.wd-pl.com/patterns/pattern-list-v2/ - offers a holistic vision of systems change.
Again, there are so many good efforts at new ways of thinking that I'm seriously curious what you are looking for....
None of these are what I'm looking for. In this world that still is run by rugged individualism, we've got to get on another path. I want to look for that. What, besides aliens landing or some cataclysm, could uplift humanity? My Substack is full of ideas that schemers could start with.