I can't get any popcorn to you but I am bringing you my movie, What on Earth?, streaming free. It's special for you -- please don't share.
Watch the full movie:
I'm attracted to what can make massive change, and discovering another intelligence is top of the list. I made the movie to convince people that the stuff of science fiction was real!
I shot it in southern England during several summers, starting in 2003. It still was the heyday of the circles, when people from all over the world gathered each summer in a cottage industry that tourists flocked to. The excitement of someone discovering a new circle got cars racing to find them (in rural England it's "take a left at the big tree"), and every evening, over fish and chips at the Barge Inn, we had the pleasure of watching each other's new footage and trading stories about our adventures.
Toward the end of that decade, clashes and conflicts took over among the croppies, as we were called, and at some point it seems like the mystery circlemakers, who I think were here to give us the message that we're not alone, gave up. After that, there were far fewer formations with most of them not being very good, and my opinion is that the formations that have arrived since then all have been made by people. However, don't believe there never was a mystery. That's wrong. There's no explanation for the wondrous artworks you'll see in my movie.
Start watching to get a taste, and if it tastes good keep going. It just 81 minutes. And if you have something to say, come on back to say it here.
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Dear dear Suzanne, what a blessing for all of us and future generations that you were able to document these wonders at their heyday. I wonder if they will ever be an “explanation”. I have this image of extra-terrestrial sound-lasers carving them out from afar maybe via a relay station closer to earth.
Thank you for sharing Suzanne. FYI - here's a link to the positive New York Times' review: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/22/movies/what-on-earth-probes-mysteries-of-crop-circles-review.html