Daniel I consider like family, I would perhaps not be here today if it were not for him... lovely post ❤️

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Thanks for kindly letting me know Suzanne.

It is amazing the resilience and determination some people have when they look death in the face.

I admire that quality greatly especially when the struggle is for the greater good.

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Hi Suzanne,

I hope that you are your family are well. Thank you for sharing this newsletter.

We met at David Pinto's Gift Party for the launch of his book 'Fulcrum'. It was lovely to speak with you. I wondered if you would like to connect on Social Media e.g. LinkedIn.

I look forward to reading more of these newsletters in the future. Keep up the good work!

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I'm not an active social media person although I post my Substacks on

LinkedIn and other platforms, and also pass along other people's things. The involvement in exchanging goes on mostly for me here, and the more active the comments the better for real connections and movement of ideas.

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Hi Suzanne,

Thank you for kindly letting me know.

The article reflects tremendous bravery and compassion for others during a difficult time in life. The worst times can bring out the best in people.

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We have to get our countries to de-escalate. No one can afford the consequences of a nuclear war.

Thanks for posting, Suzanne.

Daniel Ellsberg was a hero, and it's nice to see him celebrated. Also, a similar hero now walks free. I'm so glad to see Julian Assange out of jail.

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That we are so passive about what could send us back to the stone age is unfathomable. How can such stupidity prevail? What to do? Why wouldn't Biden say yes to this Ellsberg entreaty? He so needs to get outside the box where people perceive an equality between our two candidates, and this would be a dramatic way to do it. Yes, a good day for Assange, but what a struggle to get even decency to prevail.

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