I just had an amazing experience--one that leads me to imagine what can happen from these essays. I was talking to a friend of mine who just had a triumph. The grant that she wrote several years ago, to have a Grandparents Garden in her condo community, was finally accepted! She was daydreaming aloud about how fill the Garden- and I remembered one of the essays, about Benches and Snacks. A simple idea, to provide benches and snacks everywhere so people can TALK. (I fear I am oversimplifying it, please forgive me.) But I pictured a Bences and Snacks bench in my friend's about-to-happen Grandparents Garden and I felt the electricity --and POWER--of connection.

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Hi Leela. So I just went to the site you shared (incredibily interesting!) and I had to join to get in. Says they'll get back to me in 48 hours. In the meantime--let's imagine what this would look like (spreading your idea.) Say my friend who's doing this garden says she wants a bench. I'm a writer, I would write an article about the connection between the Grandparents Garden and the Benches and Snacks idea. (And the goal would be to have OTHER people want such a bench ... ) . Is that how you imagine it? I should go back and read your essay again, I think.

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What a wonderful idea! Telling a bedtime story that tells us how we got to the 2050 we desire. Thanks, Suzanne.

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Mar 26Liked by Suzanne Taylor

Great hot tub picture.... brings back many memories of the late 70's and 80's!

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I like the bedtime essay idea. It doesn't have the splash of the ice bucket challenge so it may need a more exciting call to action to make a draw. Bedtime porn for a new world? haha...

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I just watched it. VERY cool. I liked the finished product, too.

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A Grandparents Garden, as my friend conceived it, will be (is) a place where connection and conversation between the older generation and the younger generation is encouraged, facilitated and honored. Any manifestation of that notion!

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Hey Leela. I am sorry not to have kept up my part of this conversation. Never quite been in one like it before, right?, so I'm not sure where the boundaries are. As in, how much do I push MY idea of how YOUR idea should be spread, you know? (I have grown children, wonderful women, who nonetheless resist any and all advice from me :) !) I love putting ideas out in the world. My favorite job of all time was, at 55, becoming editor of a community newspaper.

So my vision of a next step is to talk my friend, who has the grant, and see if she wants to solidify something with the bench idea--which she loved--and if that happens, it would be very easy to write that article. It would be a local article but the kind of piece with universal appeal.

My own Save the World idea is a much more solitary adventure. I'm writing a book, which I envision will open people's eyes the same way Uncle Tom's Cabin opened people's eyes, by showing the system's effect on real people.

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