How can we get across to humanity what’s going on that’s even bigger than the Copernican revolution? Every schoolchild knows about Copernicus, who moved us out of an Earth-centered universe. Here we are, with something even more massively changeful that has happened, and most people aren’t even aware of it.
I can’t get this out of my mind as something that makes the Universe Story clear:
This unfishy story delivers the essence of what’s so revolutionary, where humans move from being here as dominators of the earth to being designed to be its caretakers. No longer divided as oppressed and victors, in our new story we would be one human family. What could be bigger than diverting humanity from the destructive path it’s on?
In the ‘90s, the understanding of our human beingness deepened from the Hubble telescope showing us that planets aren’t dead rocks, fixed in space, with Earth an object to be used. Hubble saw that the universe is expanding, that means evolving, which includes apes giving rise to us in this master process we are immersed in. This embraces us in a very different sense of being human from the dead rock story that gives us the self-serving frame we think from now. For a telling imaging of this expansion, think of raisin bread and the planets as the raisins when it’s rising, where they all are moving away from each other.
Werner Erhard used to book stadiums to share new est revelations. Why not now? Actually, Celebrations of the Human Spirit were being planned in my world years ago, thanks to Lex Hixon and his philanthropic family, but that got derailed by an illness that had him leaving us. We could use a billionaire to pay some rentals now. Also, our deep pocket funder could encourage thinking about what we-the-people can do, like by giving money awards as Robert Bigelow did when he gave $1.8M in prize money for essays that authenticate life after death.
From seeing through the lens of the Universe Story, a recent realization helps me understand evil. How can we make war? And what makes a mass murderer? It seems unfathomable. We know we’re animals, but think about it. We are 4.8 billion years old. What’s alive today is the accumulation of all that’s been alive. The animals that ate each other are in us, where a killing-nature still is a pull. You could say we’ve spent a couple hundred thousand years putting ever more lustrous lipstick on a pig, adorning ourselves and decorating our world until the outer dressing got ahead of our inner development. We need some catch-up to develop this unique property of self-reflection that lets us move things around on Earth. Refining this animal that we are is work-in-progress.
There are other people also speaking compellingly for this world-to-come, where we would be operating in synch with this living universe and the Universe Story, and I’ve just put some favorites on my YouTube channel: THOUGHT SHAPERS making sense of these times. Scroll down on
Regarding our animal selves, here’s a story I love that was in wide circulation some years ago: They're Made Out of Meat.
And, while we’re on the subject, here’s my favorite version of a popular fish tale: “As the student fish said to the philosopher fish, ‘Water? What water?’”
If you get a buzz from being on my wavelength, talk to me. Allies are invaluable.
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