You say it so clearly and to the point. I want those who agree and have a vision for the future to speak up and join you. I’m with you.

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That Essay Contest I put out last week has been a revelation, which isn't quite the right word but the response has amazed me. It excites people. Like it woke up something dormant -- maybe the idea that there's a focus on where to from here, where mostly people feel helpless about the state of breakdown and danger we are in.

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Good luck Suzanne I’m finding those who can speak fourth and carry the vision.

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Maybe some cosmic plug has been pulled and we're going to link up now, which is the secret for we-the-people getting in the game with some power.

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Excellent essay, Suzanne.

I will have to look into "The Big Picture."

It is not so much that we do not understand the problem(s) or even what needs to be changed.

Rather, we have yet to develop a working practical model for mobilizing the large contingent of humanity that is aware, wants change, and has no means for action., to execute a methods to force globalized institutions to stand down from their death dance while we re-organize into local/regional ecological communities to live in harmony with the Earth System while trying to repair, restore, regenerate the ecosystems upon which we depend for survival.

Awareness has to have some means of expression in action and the old ones--protest, street theater, and civil disobedience--are not enough. Organized networked action factions scaled up to global proportion are now the only plausible if extremely difficult to create, line of action left.

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I couldn't agree more. It's a focus of mine -- that we are gadflies and haven't gotten ourselves collected in some Coalition for the Good. We need to be a force and we need a voice -- something that's paid attention to for steering this ship of state. I've let my imagination go for how we-the-people could have a system, of a force of numbers, a mouthpiece for it, and a way for the public to feed suggestions -- more of a real democracy that we have now. Here's a summary post I put out, with links to explanations about all the we-the-people activities: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/whats-on-a-roadmap-to-the-future.

I've tried to collect some thought leaders to work on this but everybody is "too busy." If we did that, you'd be a good participant. People should pick up on the thoughtful things you put out. Maybe you should be doing it on Substack...???

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Maybe they are not thought leaders, just thought writers not putting their time and money where their mouth is. Tell them I said so. Peace, Maurice

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AGREED, and Sue's challenge seems to be exactly what you suggest. Restack it, Robert. Peace, Maurice

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Lets hope your words are heard far and wide to bring change

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Are you spreading her words ? Peace, Maurice

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You're young enough to be better at social media than I am, so from your lips to social media's ears would be great!

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Hi Suzanne, there are those with more experience here than myself on the mechanics, but I am happy to help in any way I can. So as I am busy learning the very subject already, I will do some deeper digging for us both. Also I will be on the daily lookout for opportunities to push your concept. Inc encouraging others to do the same. N.B. My laptop is a German ISUS, which presents a small tech problem when using the "at" button in my substack posts / comments ..... my ISUS set up and Substack systems are not compatible..... Whatever I attempt fails...... So if you wish to discuss stuff with me direct here is my email in which I have simply written "at" You will need to delete it and insert the correct symbol.... Peace and success, Maurice. biz3d.art "at" gmail.com

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Your enthusiasm touches me. I am dependent on word of mouth to get my essay contest spread around. Wherever I mention it I get enthusiastic responses, and the submissions I've gotten have delivered some wonderful ideas that make me think this project could matter!

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I would urge anyone who has - or who is building a positive vision for all our futures, to either sub to Suzanne and/or to join the challenge she so provocatively proposes, here in para 5. Then to restack it. Peace, Maurice

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Ah, Maurice, you are more aware of the mechanics on Substack than I am. I'm too busy putting things out and rabble rousing all over the place to do the deep dive into understanding this program. For non-Substackers this won't mean anything, but thanks for encouraging Substackers to do what will help.

I'm looking for advice about getting this word out to the Substack world, which is all writers so it should appeal. If you are open for that, let me know.

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Just asked Elliot Murray to help you, gave him your links. Sent you three messages this a.m. two have failed to reach you. Watch this space. Peace, Maurice

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I just posted on his Substack -- https://elliotmurray.substack.com/p/a-sorceress-unwitting-apprentice/comments:

@Maurice Clive Bisby sent me.

“In a world where death is the hunter, my friend, there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions.” ― Carlos Castaneda, Journey to Ixtlan

Report I made on a mushroom trip:

I was sitting cross-legged on my bed when everything became very calm. Unusually, surreally so. The future was up to me, and what I had to do was “let everything land in my lap.” I was to accept reality with no resistance or drama or story. Reality is what is, regardless of any opinion about it, and I was to anchor myself in this primary perception. I sensed that if even one person practiced total acceptance, and the challenge was for it to be me, it would be the pivot for humanity to get to a new place.

My project he sent me for is to get this circulated:

ESSAY CONTEST with Cash Prizes! Due February 14

It’s January 1, 2050. How, in 2024, did we pull off saving the world?


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Oh it matters, keep crankin' the handle, glean the steam

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