The main problem imho is that extreme economic inequality has eroded the standard of living for the majority while it has given untold riches to the few. The media, which are owned by the rich, turn desperate people against each other, blaming trans people, minorities, immigrants, Muslims, etc. instead of blaming the rich, whose greed is actually causing the suffering. This leads to violence and all sorts of chaos. The Democrats are guilty of this, too--they became the party of war instead of the party of the people because they get their campaign contributions from the same donors who fuel the Republicans. Politicians' main interest is to secure their offices and stay there, so they will do the bidding of whoever pays for their campaigns. We can't expect anything from politicians until we get the money out of politics. Imho, there is no point voting for candidates who accept campaign contributions from anyone other than the voters they represent. Meanwhile, we can work on ourselves, making sure that we treat everyone, no exceptions, with kindness and generosity.
Yes to all you say, and that's the starting point for asking now what? Working on ourselves to be the best we can be is background to the action we'd need to take collectively to offer a serious counter to what's in play.
Personally, I am looking at the organizations that are springing up to offer resistance and/or to help the victims, trying to figure out how to allocate my time and money.
I keep finding myself of two minds: the human one desperately trying to figure it all out, including what to DO, and the higher mind/self/soul that knows there is much more to all of this than human minds can figure out alone. We are human BEINGS, not human DOINGS. I'm continually working to integrate these as I come to know this is really why we're here.
Shortly after Trump was inaugurated and immediately unleashed the changes he and Project 2025 promised, a phrase came to me, "necessary disgrace". This is part of our individual and collective unfolding. We have to experience what is happening to transform; as many others have said, we have to "breakdown to break through".
I'm not advocating for no action, just to act in concert with our higher selves. Quiet our lower minds, breathe, ask for guidance and sit quietly so we actually listen for and can hear the answers. Anger, fear, and panic cannot give us anything different, I know, I've tried to get them to for much of my life. Hear these parts of ourselves out, then give them the reassurance that we are wise, capable, and resilient.
Peace, health, happiness, and safety are what most people want. As we feed, nurture, and cultivate these internally they will increasingly be the outer environment we share.
It sets me apart to be dealing with the urgency of humanity getting on a different path. Being far along in the breakdown phase, we're not in the time anymore to be content with there being contemplatives and activists. It's too dangerous to wait for the natural evolutionary process, where I think we're being called on now to be heroic -- after quieting our minds and all the rest you say is needed as far as our attitudes go.
The main problem imho is that extreme economic inequality has eroded the standard of living for the majority while it has given untold riches to the few. The media, which are owned by the rich, turn desperate people against each other, blaming trans people, minorities, immigrants, Muslims, etc. instead of blaming the rich, whose greed is actually causing the suffering. This leads to violence and all sorts of chaos. The Democrats are guilty of this, too--they became the party of war instead of the party of the people because they get their campaign contributions from the same donors who fuel the Republicans. Politicians' main interest is to secure their offices and stay there, so they will do the bidding of whoever pays for their campaigns. We can't expect anything from politicians until we get the money out of politics. Imho, there is no point voting for candidates who accept campaign contributions from anyone other than the voters they represent. Meanwhile, we can work on ourselves, making sure that we treat everyone, no exceptions, with kindness and generosity.
Yes to all you say, and that's the starting point for asking now what? Working on ourselves to be the best we can be is background to the action we'd need to take collectively to offer a serious counter to what's in play.
Personally, I am looking at the organizations that are springing up to offer resistance and/or to help the victims, trying to figure out how to allocate my time and money.
I keep finding myself of two minds: the human one desperately trying to figure it all out, including what to DO, and the higher mind/self/soul that knows there is much more to all of this than human minds can figure out alone. We are human BEINGS, not human DOINGS. I'm continually working to integrate these as I come to know this is really why we're here.
Shortly after Trump was inaugurated and immediately unleashed the changes he and Project 2025 promised, a phrase came to me, "necessary disgrace". This is part of our individual and collective unfolding. We have to experience what is happening to transform; as many others have said, we have to "breakdown to break through".
I'm not advocating for no action, just to act in concert with our higher selves. Quiet our lower minds, breathe, ask for guidance and sit quietly so we actually listen for and can hear the answers. Anger, fear, and panic cannot give us anything different, I know, I've tried to get them to for much of my life. Hear these parts of ourselves out, then give them the reassurance that we are wise, capable, and resilient.
Peace, health, happiness, and safety are what most people want. As we feed, nurture, and cultivate these internally they will increasingly be the outer environment we share.
It sets me apart to be dealing with the urgency of humanity getting on a different path. Being far along in the breakdown phase, we're not in the time anymore to be content with there being contemplatives and activists. It's too dangerous to wait for the natural evolutionary process, where I think we're being called on now to be heroic -- after quieting our minds and all the rest you say is needed as far as our attitudes go.