An Essay Contest is launched
It’s January 1, 2050. How did we pull off saving the world?
For you loyalists who wait for this Tuesday email, I sent it yesterday!
I jumped the gun to meet the deadline for the Scientific and Medical Network’s Newsletter.
This is basically what they sent that can be cut and pasted, to use yourself or send to your connections to help spread the word about this competition:
Suzanne Taylor writes Evolution Revolution, on Substack. She has just announced an essay competition to get people thinking about how we can work together to transform the world. As she explains in the guidelines: "Write as if it’s 2050 and Earth is a cooperative place. How did that come to pass? The only requirement is to start with what you did. Be as concise as you can so as not to lose readers, while giving details that demonstrate the workability of your ideas."
There are significant cash prizes for the winning entries. Essays are due by Valentine’s Day, on the 14th of February. Click here for her announcement to find more about what to write and how to submit:
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