Glad to know a bit more about you. Margaret Mead's quote, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has," still holds a lot of water for me. I certainly don't have all the answers, but I am committed to helping humanity reclaim its evolutionary imperative to reach for its highest potential. I hope that in some small way you might be my ally toward fulfilling that vision. Heaven knows I will certainly need all the help I can get.

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If you are waiting for some natural progression that will take us to the promised land, apocalypse would likely get there first. If all you are writing for is to get Likes, I’d give you one, but if that’s where you stop you’ve just spoken some sense that others speak as well, so why bother?

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I’m liking the name for it being The Movement. How to get it to take off is THE question.

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I imagine any movement begins when enough of society perceives an unacceptable injustice or conditions. I am seeing plenty of people who are disillusioned and feel defeated, questioning what we are all doing and dreaming of a more empowering, humanity-honoring, sustainable, optimistic future. Many well-educated, brilliant, visionary people are already taking steps in a variety of areas to lay the groundwork of a more inspiring vision of the future. The stirrings are all there and the pressures of our day on us all is only going to increase. The demand for some kind of change is only going to increase. The problem is, just as Einstein clearly alluded to, people believe the only way to change the system is through the same system that is already in place. I think a key task is to educate people that we can imagine ourselves from a much higher plane that transcends the present dysfunction of the egoic paradigm. New possibilities emerge from a more expansive perspective and that might be one of the first orders of “work”. It may take a focus on increasing awareness, providing practical education, and offering support and building momentum through micro communities that keep building, and interconnecting, and permeating all areas of society. My guess is we can inform ourselves of general principles to follow, but something so massive will grow in ways we can’t even comprehend. If we tried to understand it all and think we could guide it all, we might be operating once more from a standpoint of ego.

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I'm on your wavelength. Getting any movement activated, where people become participatory, is something else. If you can do it, I'll be there with you. This needs to be leaderless -- no big Boss-- and we're in it together.

I have specific ideas and it would be great if you knew about them. Here's a piece for us to talk about: https://open.substack.com/pub/suzannetaylor/p/making-a-case-for-how-the-world-could

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Yes. I believe in the rhizome model, with no leader, no harshly defined edges, no center. Of the "movement" itself, which has already been underway to some degree for some time, I keep coming back to itself not even having a name--The Nameless Movement. Maybe it's corny, but it feels right in that it is ego that constantly seeks to define everything and claim its certainty as an identifiable this or that fitting one model or mode of operation. As a Shift, it will be more organic and complex than we can rigidly direct or even define its evolutionary means. I don't believe any one person is initiating this movement but we can merely align with what I believe is already seeking expression through humanity. The universe is evolving through us and our role is to simply to come into accordance with that. Some may help point the way more than others because they are already equipped to a higher degree but, yes, generally leaderless.

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That is right on target and the supporting quotes are very compelling. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you, I will review it soon.

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This is what I shared with my wife, coach, a best friend in separate texts: "I connected with Suzanne during Winning with MW zoom when I clicked on her insightful article https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/its-a-bird-its-a-plane-its-marianne Watch her pinned intro: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/about My muse is mulling it over." So, hello Kindred Spirit.

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And maybe you're like me, with no time to play the social networking sort of game to get engaged on Substack so anybody knows we're here. I wonder a bit what us kindred souls are doing here. Not being very popular, is one thing. Maybe we can do something about that for one another. From your material, this is music to my ears: "appreciates the power of stories to touch our lives." I will delve into more of the ones you are telling!

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Hello, I have been attempting to upload my essay for hours. Lots of hurdles. What is the answer to Q - What is first word of Saving The World??? Found one fiction book in my library by Suzanne Alvarez. Is that the book you are referring to?

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I have been attempting to post my essay for hours. There are a number of hurdles in your system. What is the answer to the question: what is first word of Saving the World? There are a number of books and articles with that title?

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