The times they are a-changing and the directive now, when Trump perhaps was delivered to tank us so we’d change our ways, is just to do something. It even could be staying receptive and informed in a movement of people for the good, that’s coming together, where just being part of it can keep people sane.
There’s not much that gets talked about regarding the realm of subtle activism that should get attention in the scheme of things. Read about it in David Spangler’s article, What Can I Do?. I can’t praise it highly enough. It’s a teaching and it can change your life. In rereading it, I kept being touched by David’s sensitivity to the beauty road. Some excerpts:
“When we see how a person in power is misusing that power, when we see corruption at work, when we see innocent people being harmed, of course we’re likely to feel anger. Anger lifts us out of apathy and fear; it is a powerful force for good when properly utilized. But if not, it simply adds to the toxicity of our world when we just broadcast it out of frustration or weaponize and focus it upon a person, whose own psychic immune system is likely to reflect it back. It leads to more anger and a potential loss of hope. I need to be better in order to do better.”
“When I tune into the subtle realms, it's like a radio with various frequencies. Some channels overflow with healthy life and blessing. In these frequencies, life flows in service to all beings. Yes, there are also frequencies filled with pain and obstruction, largely emanating from human behavior. It’s not a matter of choosing one over the other but of attuning to one in order to bring healing to the other.”
From David’s wife, Julie: “This is what we all came for: to hold bright love and presence and to keep joy while the unknown future stares us in the face. Our work is to hold the best of humanity that we can and hold resonance with the new while the old stuff gets worked out.”
I’d be interested to hear if others were impacted by this. Would it be valuable to circulate it?
I want to turn you on to two Substacks I don’t hear much buzz about:
There is not another one like NEXTDRAFT: The Days Most Fascinating News by Dave Pell. You get a one-pager several days a week with informative blurbs about what’s going on, and added cleverness and charm that’s especially welcome in these not so charming times. My two cents is there isn’t a thinking person who wouldn’t be happy to read it. Subscribe from this delightful intro that includes this endorsement: Think of Dave Pell as the Internet’s managing editor. The NYT meets SNL. Smart, funny, essential. And from the NYT: Subscribe to the mind of Dave Pell.
Another top of the Substack universe you’ll thank me for is James Fallows Breaking the News, where I get explanations I trust from a longtime reporter who was a speechwriter for Jimmy Carter and is salt of the earth. He has a depth of knowledge about what he writes about and he’s rare among the journalism pros where he interacts with people who make comments.
Update about Marianne Williamson:
Marianne hasn’t let up on talking. She makes a lot of videos, does guest turns with other people, and keeps writing pieces I see on Substack. She made this video a few days ago:
Yes, It's Happening - Marianne Williamson
75K Views 1,575 CommentsWhen she was running for President comments were a mix of praise and condemnation. Maybe the tide has turned. This has way more views than the videos she made when she was running, and when I scrolled a long way in the comments everyone was cheering her on. Maybe she can touch enough of us to get humanity on a different track!!!!
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