For several decades Russell Targ ran a program focused on remote-viewing that was funded by the CIA. When I produced a program for TED, Russell was one of my speakers. As some point, that talk showed up on someone else’s YouTube channel, and, with no promotion, it reached more than 7M views before it was taken down. Russell having a huge following is very encouraging in that people are looking outside the materialist box, seeing into the bigger picture where we are all connected. Here’s Russell’s talk with links to more things of his, like Third Eye Spies, a documentary Russell made about his work, and information about the controversial TEDx West Hollywood presentation that left a black mark on the TED brand.
All of a sudden this old film, about the early days of that remote-viewing program, resurfaced. If you find this subject of interest, this is fascinating stuff. This quote is in the text below this found treasure:
“The Case of ESP was frequently shown on PBS from 1984 until 1995, at which time for some unknown reason it disappeared from NOVA's files. It is now gone also from the files of WGBH, Boston, which produced the film, and from Time-Life Books, which distributed it for sale. This is not a fantasy, since I have a master BBC tape and several DVD copies of the original program on my desk. (Interestingly, 1995 was also the year in which the remote-viewing program was officially declassified and terminated by the CIA.) The disappearance of the film has never been explained. My guess is that the CIA put pressure on NOVA to pull the film, since NOVA alone was the US copyright holder and only they could have accomplished such a complete disappearance." -- Russell Targ, “The Reality of ESP,” page 135. (An excellent book.)
And here’s one of the Comments: “If you believe that ESP is not real then you are truly behind everything. It is very important for every person to study/support this kind of work. It will lead to major advancements in health, knowledge, and truth.”
Here’s the full movie:
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Thanks for the link Suzanne. It's a high quality program that includes moments where the BBC producers do their own testing of a couple of these "seers" to fascinating results. Would love to see the BBC do a follow up to the episode now.