Hello to followers who are in a new Substack category where people somehow observe without subscribing. I presume you can comment and I’m encouraging that. We’re dealing here with turning the world around, not by laying out a plan but by looking to next steps. What can we do now? The sense of helplessness that prevailed I‘d say has changed to where more people all the time get mad enough leave the Trump camp but no one knows what to do. Welcome to NOW WHAT?
To change things, first you have to see them as they are. Here’s something on me. My comedy-writer husband and I, when we first were married and lived in New York, were big Dodger fans, and any other fans from back then will love Let’s Keep the Dodgers in Brooklyn, the song he wrote when nobody wanted them to move to L.A. I thought of my old baseball involvement in relation to a new thought, about football. Since my days as a high school cheerleader I hadn’t seen a football game till the recent Super Bowl, and I was shocked at it being so brutal where it’s all about people banging into each other with serious hurting in the offing. If humanity lasts I bet football won’t.
I think about our Department of War, that treats what can wipe out humanity as a normal bureaucratic function. And of Trump merrily tweeting along oblivious to spelling and grammar and us taking little notice, like the emperor’s nakedness that no one acknowledges. And the latest, where his becoming an avatar for the arts may be absurd enough to get us to stop cowering and start laughing at a master felon who says he’s dedicated to eliminating fraud and abuse.
I’m thinking about a Shower Trump With Love project. No joking. Across the country, at some same time, everyone would spend a minute beaming love at him. Wouldn’t that be a wild try?
And, be still my heart. Political Girl is wonderful.
Why is there so much passivity? Here’s what I’ve been writing, in various Chats and Comments, about what our leaders could be doing:
Is there any point where we'll be mad as hell and not going to take it anymore? Does acting lawfully and losing our country make sense? Why are we not staging a coup, that wouldn’t be with guns in a world that’s digitally connected?
CONSIDER THIS! Trump sees himself to be in a business – the kind that stops at nothing to make profit. He is making deals, not holding negotiations. He decides things based on what's good for him no matter what is entailed for us.
With half the country having freaked out at his ascension and his supporters increasingly becoming disaffected, I’m watching for some incident where the whole country turns on him. Then we could tend to the bigger threat to us that Chris Hedges was talking about when he said, “He is the symptom, not the disease. The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism.”
Trump concretizes the evil aspect of an immature humanity. That’s a story for another day, about having something concrete to grapple with enabling us to advance our evolutionary action, but us gadflies are without a force to deal with that. If there were a miracle, like Taylor Swift telling her fans to give me Likes, I’d use the attention to get signatures for a massive coalition.
That advocacy goes back decades to when I was allied with Lex Hixon, a world teacher and extraordinary person. We were working on Celebrations of the Human Spirit, that we intended to hold in stadiums, when he died in 1995. Thanks to his philanthropic family, reported to be the third wealthiest in L.A., we had resources to celebrate what we’d written up:
A coalition already exists in spirit. It is coming together now in the social context by the attraction of its unconventional intelligence and compassionate form of high-mindedness. This natural coalition is drawn together by the recognition that the elevation of consciousness is our fundamental life work. This is a genuinely democratic, self-organizing force, flowing through persons of all descriptions. This force does not flourish as any highly structured form. It is not an institution or a foundation or a non-profit company or anything conventionally named. This coalition is a living organism -- natural, wild, free. It is made up of individuals devoted to serving the world and developing themselves as finely tuned instruments of service. They learn to gather in the energy of will-to-good, from which authentic goodwill flows out subtly to the entire world.
Lex wouldn’t have stood for the world being as it is. He was an original, a huge presence who was grounded in the sacred as he was a delightful rabble rouser for our unity. There’s no big being who is like that now. Maybe an absence of leaders is the game the universe is playing, where it’s time for humanity to not be subservient to any masters. And note how epochal the drama is, where, even though a constitutional crisis is looming, we still haven’t taken up the need for a course correction.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lex_Hixon
The Mighty Companions tribute: https://mightycompanions.org/lexhixon
May we get it in time to snap to an awareness that life can be beautiful.
“What moves the stars through the heavens, the Earth through its seasons, and human beings through stages of growth and learning -- all is celebration. Look at the birds flying here and there, the flowers blooming, and the trees changing colors in the fall. It's all celebratory.”
- Thomas Berry
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