With the States reverberating now, maybe it’s a time for consciousness to slip in. All thinking people must be astounded at how surreal things are. At least it’s not boring. Look at all the brilliance in humanity, and the heroes we’ve gotten inspiration from, and now it’s like the Harvard and Yale world is non-existent and the mechanism we created to run us is too fragmented to keep us going. We are lost. Adrift. Awaiting salvation or catastrophe. Which door will open?
In the meantime:
I don’t have an organization to deal with, where I have to conform to anything to get approvals, so I can go out on limbs, and here I am, looking for mavericks who dream big. Could we even become an Island of Coherence? The Teilhard quote got me a little rapturous.
Progressives are gadflies now. To get a voice, for America or maybe even for the world, I envision an ad hoc Wisdom Council made up of highly revered people. One volunteer who started it would choose the next person, the two would choose the third, adding more that way, and everyone would listen when these beloved people gave directives and suggestions. And a Coalition for the Good would be a force that could flood the internet carrying out transformative things the Council suggested we do.
Here’s another sort of wisdom counciling, where pundits who are savvy politically and have admirable ethics would think together. I posted this on Ralph Nader’s new Substack:
How about you hooking up with a few others to regularly dialogue about everything? Why don't we have that? It could be our guide.
I stay up on Seymour Hersh, Thom Hartmann, Robert Reich, James Fallows, Steve Schmidt, Marianne Williamson. Ralph, I could see you putting heads like these together with yours to look for a path through. I'm going to try to spark this. Would you be party to it and also help get others? Who else?
For a save the world committee that I’d like to create, we have some gravitas now, with Lawrence Kershen as a facilitator. He was an essayist in our contest, and we’ve been thinking together about follow-ups with the essays and the writers.
“Lawrence is ranked by Who’s Who Legal as one of the world’s leading commercial mediators.”
“has real gravitas”
“incredibly bright”
"hugely impressive"
“masterful yet empathetic"
From an early age I was hooked on getting 100%, and, as time marches on, and the less of it I have, the bolder I become about Earth getting shaped up. To add to what I told you about myself in the last post, these are my marching orders from Inside the Intelligence:
Suzanne, you are here to model a way of being that is very foreign to most people. We have programmed you to seek excellence. You cannot settle for less. You know the composition. The orchestra must be in tune.
You are here to be a maestro. Your job is to make maestros. You are a spirit guide. We are waiting for you to get this. Free yourself of identification with Earth boxes. Do your job. Don't complain. You're doing it. Relax. You will do better -- which is feel better -- if you remember who you are.
There is some kind of basic workability to look for, like you're a mechanic and the earth is a vehicle. Make it work. It works from skewing the point of view from a separate “me" to a collective "we." Humanity as a collective is causal and can create success.
I’ve been having some exchanges since last week with some good thinkers. Contact me if this might be calling to you.
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