What am I doing when I’m not writing Substacks? A track I’m on is what the super-rich could be doing instead just getting richer. A couple of months ago I send this to the Patriotic Millionaires, who want greater taxes on themselves.
There is a changeful tack to take that the Patriotic Millionaires could deliver to humanity.
What is holding the current system in place? It’s people. We make the laws. What if humanity acquired a different mindset, where it was natural to take care of Earth and each other? I’m not whistling Dixie. That is possible.
Every civilization has a creation story, an organizing myth. We need one for a planetary civilization. And we have that story. The Hubble telescope showed us an expanding – i.e. alive – universe, that’s not fixed in place, but is one process where we’re evolving together.
This needs to be the basis of a creation myth for humanity. I propose that it be taught to the Millionaires by Brian Swimme, a physicist and mathematical cosmologist who is its most charismatic storyteller. People would come out changed beings, with a passion to change everyone else!
There are videos of Brian Swimme in my Substack posts: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com. This 2-minutes will give you the flavor: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/delivering-the-universe-story.
Could we talk about this?
I sent that after I got their newsletter about Trump’s signature tax bill that had delivered a massive windfall to corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
I did not get an answer.
A month later, I sent this:
Yesterday I sent out a mailing that mentions what a billionaire or an upper-end millionaire could do:
Get smart about capitalism as the core culprit
Changing humanity's mind as the core solution
No response.
A couple of weeks ago, after their newsletter that detailed Trump’s perversions, I wrote again:
We know all this. Why tell it to us? It’s yadda yadda yadda, where the longer your laundry list the less readership.
You are practicing the non-workability you rail against when the economy is all you deal with. Humanity needs to see itself differently, driven by philanthropy, by altruism, by humanitarian concerns.
Here’s an example of what you could say:
“People of goodwill, are you by and large feeling helpless, buried by capitalism that has outlived its usefulness? This is a call to your better angels to create a force for doing good, to rise above the smallness of focusing on money. Would you be signatory to a coalition, like MLK Jr.’s Beloved Community, if it were for real?”
Here’s my Substack for last week, that has a call to billionaires in it:
What massive something would get everyone rethinking?
We need to get serious about shaking up the world
Trump is getting support from billionaires now by promising deregulations, The Billionaires Supporting Trump’s Campaign: “At the April Mar-A-Lago dinner with oil industry executives, Trump urged them to donate $1 billion to support his candidacy, then detailed how he would roll back Biden environmental regulations, approve more off-shore oil drilling and lift Biden’s moratorium on permits for new liquefied natural gas exports.”
I keep mentioning billionaires in my Substacks, and here’s a whole post from a year ago: Out on some limbs about billionaires and the success of humanity.
As the world grows more imperiled, we could use serious rallying for the richest people to massively divest themselves of what they have, let alone to not try to get more. Not only will they go down with us, but their track records for the happiness wealth brings them is wretched. Drug addiction is rampant among people who inherited their money, and, believe it or not, there are support groups to help them deal with lack of self-esteem from not having earned it.
Getting a sense of ourselves as one humanity is the most changeful thing that could happen. And the most important thing to let us operate as a cooperative world is handling extreme wealth inequality. We need everyone to have food, shelter, education, and health care to have the playing field for a new game.
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