Let the fire of love propel us through our hellscape
Getting us to the family of humanity we need to become!
I have new sugarplums dancing in my head about what to do, where we-the-people don’t need to be as helpless as we have been. However, for the turn of the year I’m sending a recap of segments from videos I’ve already sent in my Substack posts. Where most people’s posts are standalones, most of mine are in a body of work about what we might do, and this gets some key thoughts in one place.
These segments are a catch-up for newer subscribers that I hope will inspire old and new. They are in the order I sent them, with ideas I am hot on and to let you know about some precursors of them from things I’ve done that go back decades. As you’ll hear Brian Thomas Swimme say, progress in the cosmos is from relationships – elementary particles merged, on up the chain of complexity that billions of years later became planets and whales, to now, when the way forward will come from being engaged with each other. So, here’s to our engagement!
In the moves humanity can make, at a time when movement is essential, it’s very good news that Marianne Williamson was successful in getting herself on the ballot for February 1, when 448 people will vote for the chair of the Democratic National Committee. The DNC puts out the vision of the party, and it’s a spot from which Marianne could change the world – not by her power but from humanity responding to her compelling call to lead with our hearts and not our heads.
Salon just did a story about another of the candidates for the DNC chair, and I sent the author last week’s Substack about Marianne, suggesting he do her story. And, I was on a weekly call with the Progressive Democrats that exceeded the 500-person Zoom limit, where I did some talking about Marianne, putting the link to my piece in the chat. We can be Marianne’s PR!
This is the first half of the compilation video. The second half is coming next week. Hopefully watching these will deepen our relationship for the new year.
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