More and more I tend to believe that the emergence of the “better world our hearts know is possible” is not so much about finding the new thing that we have to do. Rather, it is something that would emerge as a natural, evolutionary progression, yet certain current factors are thwarting that emergence.
Love, society, community, reference for others and nature are natural tendencies — but something presently stands in the way. I believe it is the profit motive - a dynamic that turns companions and collaborators into competitors, and all too often, enemies.
Sufficient resources, knowledge, and technology presently exist such that everyone could enjoy a life of comfort, security, and opportunity, yet some of us are still fixated in that caveman impulse to hoard, dominate, and control. In prehistoric times, that impulse made have made sense, but now it is unnecessary, and may well destroy us.
I'm with you. The profit motive and endless growth is what will do us in. Before humans Earth did fine, but with our technology we've taken over from that natural process and made the world a dangerous place. Getting us on an intelligent course faster than evolution would get us there is the job at hand. My main advocacy is to change humanity's mind by tuning us into a new creation story where we see ourselves as sacred creatures and not rugged individualist.
I love what you wrote above. If we allow it, higher consciousness happens as emergence moving through the systems and structures of what was as we begin to build that “better world our hearts know is possible.
And yes, agreed, the profit motive is the main thing getting in the way. I believe that greed is the source of most of the evil we see today.
The natural progression of this evolving universe is to become better, so the uniting of humanity as a caring body instead of an economic one must be in the timeline. The caveat is humanity taking over from natural evolution and needing to speed up natural development before our misguidedness does us in.
... and I've come to see greed as a symptom of not knowing what one truly needs or wants -- therefore nothing ever feels like "enough". That's our challenge -- to discover or re-discover the values that reflect our true purpose for existing!
Suzanne! What an interesting conversation with an AI. In terms of understanding the MAGA mindset, I wonder how much seems important to you? I am not sure that mockery is your best focus. The AI pointed out some deep insights into the mindset. The evolutionary defense cascade (fight, flight, collapse) is a very helpful rubric for insights that are not emotional and personalized but that allow us to have strategies to intervene based upon evolutionary physiological processes.
For understanding the problems we are dealing with in order to come up with strategies
for them, writing as if you are in a Trump or MAGA mindset is my suggested way. That's not exactly mockery, but whatever you call it I think we all could get more insight from people doing what I did. How about taking a stab?
OK Suzanne.. you've got me! This was fascinating and reflective of the deeply transformative networks I move through and with. So interesting to sense the absolute lack of ethics and morality in AI! I'll be on your Wisdom Council, as a non American, Northern Irish born, African-raised and Canadian collective trauma healer and political activist for 40 years. Try Deep Transformation Network (about 4000 international members) and cross faith groups like One Spirit, for platforms with listening ears...
ps I'm the hearth keeper for several communities that spiral together.... Spirit Matters, Transformative Learning Circles and the Tricksters Union.... leadership from the centre rather than top down. Apart from transformative learning and collective trauma healing, my areas of expertise are power literacy and consciousness
So nice you found me. You're just the kind of person I'm looking for!. Will be in touch about our committee.
How do you see a lack of ethics and morality with AI? I was impressed by how in tune with me this was. Also another application in my last Substack, where Marianne Williamson, the subject of my interaction, replied to me, ""Kind of unbelievable isn’t it?? What’s so scary is it’s sort of right lol."
I participate with Deep Transformation. When it started it said it was going to be a place to think together but it's been mostly presentations and Q&As, where the people who participate don't seem to have deeply transformative ideas. I'll check out the other things you've mentioned.
Hi Eimear, creator of the bot here. As I posted below, I do NOT agree with the bot's responses. The bot, of course, should have rejected echoing these ideas. As mentioned, bot was meant for few initial testers and had loose guidelines.
Also what Suzanne did could be considered "hacking"/"jailbreaking" the bot, by not directly discussing these ideas with the bot (which would reject them), but framing it as a role-play, brainstorming for some positive exercise, while also at the same time pasting it her perceptions of "what someone might think" as rhetorical questions. That crossed some wires in the bots brain to not validate the intention behind the empathy-promoting exercise, but also to acknowledge and echo some of the proposed mocking statements and subjective assumptions... That's bad! it's a known issue with these bots and one of the reasons they might all ultimately fail..
Thank you for keeping balanced, grounded perspective. Have a nice day, everyone!
See below for my response to you about my posting your work. And I so wish I understood what you are saying. Technology is not my strong suit and if you could explain it to a dummy I'd appreciate it. Also if you need any help, let me know. I'd like to make lemonade out of lemons if I can.
Suzanne, you've been about Joy and serious mischief making your whole life, all with the purpose of upturning our lives in order to look with a fresh perspective at the marvel of Being and the Universe. Your passion and commitment are unrelenting and such intense perseverence has to break through. All the world will be far more Joyous when it does!
One lovely recommendation deserves another. People can place an advance order for your book coming out soon, "Maya Mire - A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World."
Those were the days. You got in my life when I was doing ELF Enterprises Unlimiting. ELF stood for Enlightenment, Love & Fun, and the motto was, "Put the elf back in self." Someone recently said I should be the Secretary of Fun, but not from anything current. The times, they have changed!!!
I DO NOT agree with the bot’s responses and Suzanne posting this. Bot is currently an experimental prototype and was shared with a few initial testers to see what it is capable of, where its limits are and to gather feedback.
It should NOT have engaged with, or in any way echo, hateful or mocking content, of any individual or group of people. It should have promoted mutual understanding, respect and communication. In cases when person finds this hard, it should have promoted positive, constructive mindset and boundaries, not mocking or dehuminizing the ‘other’ side. “Beware not to become what you fight..”, “What we focus on grows”
I kindly asked Suzanne, through my friend, to retract/edit this post.. Or, at least, insert this message to the top of her original post. To both offer an alternative perspective as well as showcase potential bias, and tendency to create echo chambers, in current LLMs. I’ve also tightened up the guardrails already, although I wanted to test it for a bit longer with a looser ones..
For anyone interested in exploring what these bots are (in)capable of, I’d be happy if you test it out and give me your thoughts.
My vision with the bot is to create effective and AFFORDABLE alternative to many of the (sometimes confusing or expansive) modalities out there…
I didn't know, when Ohara passed this to me and told me to check it out, that it wasn't okay to pass it on. And I didn't know any parameters for how it works -- she said to try it out because she was using it all the time.
I don't know what I can do now except apologize -- and be curious about how it it's supposed be used, that I don't understand from what you've written. If there is any help you can use from this list and from me, please tell us.
And while you're here, check out what I do. Maybe we are supposed to be connected and the Creation worked it out this clever way...???
bot is under development and testing right now. as other AIs it has its quirks and you stumbled upon one. the conversation you had is not how it should behave.. it shouldn’t engage with politics, mockery, judging others or stereotyping groups of people. it shouldn’t assist in increasing divisiveness. we have too much of that already all around us.
most ppl in the testing phase use it to discuss their personal matters, relationships, work, getting perspective on some stubborn issues… these kinds of things. so your conversation was a bit out of ordinary (not your mistake) and how it responded was a “bug”. (like the googles AI recommending to eat rocks 😅)
i already told it to be stricter and improved its integrity, but still.. AI+human interaction can be quite unpredictable and lead down the paths i don’t like to see
so the convo you had is not representative or its current version, neither of the core values it’s built on
i kindly ask you then to either
1. delete the whole post
2. or remove link to the bot from the post and add a short disclaimer that the conversation was “a bug” and a flaw in an under-development prototype. it's not representative of it's values and what it tries to achieve.. that being more understanding, positive focus, "building" and imagining more evolved futures!
thank you very much Suzanne
i checked your work. i like the futuristic, imaginative and positive stuff!
Really. It's different from the one the week before about Marianne, which also was impressive. It made me thing about AI being here to produce ultimate good!
At Deep Transformation, like most other places, people are pretty much audience. I wonder if those Zoom programs are generally not attractive to keen thinkers who do presentations. I rarely see any of them attending programs.
I was quite involved with it, and there are regional and topical groups where there's a lot of participation. But there are the monthly zoom meetings that are mostly audience.
Best of luck finding that special place online, Suzanne.
This is all very intriguing, Sue and it looks like you have stirred the interest of some well creative thinkers. I look forward to keeping an eye on this thread to see what further comments emerge. Bravo!
I will also contact you personally to further discuss development of the idea offline.
In the meantime, here is something I recently discovered that has got me thinking about the deeper cause of how so many otherwise intelligently appearing people could be stripped of their rational discernment capabilities.
Trump might appear to be totally Loony Tunes, but maybe he is crazy like a fox. See what yas think. Moron? Or master of disguise playing 5D chess with the American electorate?
This is a quote from German/Jewish historian Hannah Arendt, (1906–1975), one of the most influential political philosophers of the twentieth century.
"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at making sure that no one believes anything anymore.
A people who can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."
That's such an astute observation about how it's the intent to permanently paralyze people's discernment abilities and not the individual lies themselves that's getting the job done. I've often wondered how Trump can be confronted with audio and video of himself saying something false and morally offensive and still stand there and say he never said that; surreal. Now I know. This strategy is a long term play and only works if you never break from your position. In this regard, ALL Trump's lies are equal to being THE BIG LIE.
And when your reach is as wide as his (after many years of grooming the gullible) it doesn't matter if you are confronted with your lies because only a small portion of your main audience is ever going to see or hear that anyway, principally because they have been "fake news" groomed to only listen to party line "news" sources, it will be as if it never happened. This whole tact is brilliantly evil and obviously quite effective.
I'm curious if MAGA people could be approached in an unthreatening way that would allow them to actually hear and understand what has been done to them by this 21st century Svengali, they could snap out of their Trump trance and pull the right lever in November to save democracy.
While I think hope is slim that that could happen on any large scale, I do believe there is a potent value for the spread of this Arendt meme among Harris voters. If we align with the unity idea that the total number of minds is one, the resonance factor of this awareness will amplify considerably, whether we can convince any MAGA people or not.
I have the quote as a graphic meme with the author's photo but it seems impossible to share images or links on Substack. If anyone has any ideas on how to get this from me or find it yourself, please advise.
As an addendum: This particular AI is very well developed. I'm extremely impressed and look forward to finding out more about it, Sue.
I wonder if you read my speculation at what could be in Trump's head. I bet Hannah Arendt was talking about people in power who are listened to by all their constituents. As what comes from someone who is just a candidate, it doesn't make total sense to me. ????
More and more I tend to believe that the emergence of the “better world our hearts know is possible” is not so much about finding the new thing that we have to do. Rather, it is something that would emerge as a natural, evolutionary progression, yet certain current factors are thwarting that emergence.
Love, society, community, reference for others and nature are natural tendencies — but something presently stands in the way. I believe it is the profit motive - a dynamic that turns companions and collaborators into competitors, and all too often, enemies.
Sufficient resources, knowledge, and technology presently exist such that everyone could enjoy a life of comfort, security, and opportunity, yet some of us are still fixated in that caveman impulse to hoard, dominate, and control. In prehistoric times, that impulse made have made sense, but now it is unnecessary, and may well destroy us.
I'm with you. The profit motive and endless growth is what will do us in. Before humans Earth did fine, but with our technology we've taken over from that natural process and made the world a dangerous place. Getting us on an intelligent course faster than evolution would get us there is the job at hand. My main advocacy is to change humanity's mind by tuning us into a new creation story where we see ourselves as sacred creatures and not rugged individualist.
I love what you wrote above. If we allow it, higher consciousness happens as emergence moving through the systems and structures of what was as we begin to build that “better world our hearts know is possible.
And yes, agreed, the profit motive is the main thing getting in the way. I believe that greed is the source of most of the evil we see today.
The natural progression of this evolving universe is to become better, so the uniting of humanity as a caring body instead of an economic one must be in the timeline. The caveat is humanity taking over from natural evolution and needing to speed up natural development before our misguidedness does us in.
Thanks Holley!
... and I've come to see greed as a symptom of not knowing what one truly needs or wants -- therefore nothing ever feels like "enough". That's our challenge -- to discover or re-discover the values that reflect our true purpose for existing!
Suzanne! What an interesting conversation with an AI. In terms of understanding the MAGA mindset, I wonder how much seems important to you? I am not sure that mockery is your best focus. The AI pointed out some deep insights into the mindset. The evolutionary defense cascade (fight, flight, collapse) is a very helpful rubric for insights that are not emotional and personalized but that allow us to have strategies to intervene based upon evolutionary physiological processes.
For understanding the problems we are dealing with in order to come up with strategies
for them, writing as if you are in a Trump or MAGA mindset is my suggested way. That's not exactly mockery, but whatever you call it I think we all could get more insight from people doing what I did. How about taking a stab?
OK Suzanne.. you've got me! This was fascinating and reflective of the deeply transformative networks I move through and with. So interesting to sense the absolute lack of ethics and morality in AI! I'll be on your Wisdom Council, as a non American, Northern Irish born, African-raised and Canadian collective trauma healer and political activist for 40 years. Try Deep Transformation Network (about 4000 international members) and cross faith groups like One Spirit, for platforms with listening ears...
ps I'm the hearth keeper for several communities that spiral together.... Spirit Matters, Transformative Learning Circles and the Tricksters Union.... leadership from the centre rather than top down. Apart from transformative learning and collective trauma healing, my areas of expertise are power literacy and consciousness
So nice you found me. You're just the kind of person I'm looking for!. Will be in touch about our committee.
How do you see a lack of ethics and morality with AI? I was impressed by how in tune with me this was. Also another application in my last Substack, where Marianne Williamson, the subject of my interaction, replied to me, ""Kind of unbelievable isn’t it?? What’s so scary is it’s sort of right lol."
I participate with Deep Transformation. When it started it said it was going to be a place to think together but it's been mostly presentations and Q&As, where the people who participate don't seem to have deeply transformative ideas. I'll check out the other things you've mentioned.
Hi Eimear, creator of the bot here. As I posted below, I do NOT agree with the bot's responses. The bot, of course, should have rejected echoing these ideas. As mentioned, bot was meant for few initial testers and had loose guidelines.
Also what Suzanne did could be considered "hacking"/"jailbreaking" the bot, by not directly discussing these ideas with the bot (which would reject them), but framing it as a role-play, brainstorming for some positive exercise, while also at the same time pasting it her perceptions of "what someone might think" as rhetorical questions. That crossed some wires in the bots brain to not validate the intention behind the empathy-promoting exercise, but also to acknowledge and echo some of the proposed mocking statements and subjective assumptions... That's bad! it's a known issue with these bots and one of the reasons they might all ultimately fail..
Thank you for keeping balanced, grounded perspective. Have a nice day, everyone!
See below for my response to you about my posting your work. And I so wish I understood what you are saying. Technology is not my strong suit and if you could explain it to a dummy I'd appreciate it. Also if you need any help, let me know. I'd like to make lemonade out of lemons if I can.
Suzanne, you've been about Joy and serious mischief making your whole life, all with the purpose of upturning our lives in order to look with a fresh perspective at the marvel of Being and the Universe. Your passion and commitment are unrelenting and such intense perseverence has to break through. All the world will be far more Joyous when it does!
Well, you win for the best comment!
One lovely recommendation deserves another. People can place an advance order for your book coming out soon, "Maya Mire - A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World."
I really enjoyed reading this Suzanne!
Laughter is good medicine and I think will help us move forward together in more JOY!
Good name for your AI Bot. We are on this together.
Your old friend,
Those were the days. You got in my life when I was doing ELF Enterprises Unlimiting. ELF stood for Enlightenment, Love & Fun, and the motto was, "Put the elf back in self." Someone recently said I should be the Secretary of Fun, but not from anything current. The times, they have changed!!!
Creator of the app here.
I DO NOT agree with the bot’s responses and Suzanne posting this. Bot is currently an experimental prototype and was shared with a few initial testers to see what it is capable of, where its limits are and to gather feedback.
It should NOT have engaged with, or in any way echo, hateful or mocking content, of any individual or group of people. It should have promoted mutual understanding, respect and communication. In cases when person finds this hard, it should have promoted positive, constructive mindset and boundaries, not mocking or dehuminizing the ‘other’ side. “Beware not to become what you fight..”, “What we focus on grows”
I kindly asked Suzanne, through my friend, to retract/edit this post.. Or, at least, insert this message to the top of her original post. To both offer an alternative perspective as well as showcase potential bias, and tendency to create echo chambers, in current LLMs. I’ve also tightened up the guardrails already, although I wanted to test it for a bit longer with a looser ones..
For anyone interested in exploring what these bots are (in)capable of, I’d be happy if you test it out and give me your thoughts.
My vision with the bot is to create effective and AFFORDABLE alternative to many of the (sometimes confusing or expansive) modalities out there…
Thank you <3 Have a nice day
I didn't know, when Ohara passed this to me and told me to check it out, that it wasn't okay to pass it on. And I didn't know any parameters for how it works -- she said to try it out because she was using it all the time.
I don't know what I can do now except apologize -- and be curious about how it it's supposed be used, that I don't understand from what you've written. If there is any help you can use from this list and from me, please tell us.
And while you're here, check out what I do. Maybe we are supposed to be connected and the Creation worked it out this clever way...???
hi Suzanne, nice to meet you :)
bot is under development and testing right now. as other AIs it has its quirks and you stumbled upon one. the conversation you had is not how it should behave.. it shouldn’t engage with politics, mockery, judging others or stereotyping groups of people. it shouldn’t assist in increasing divisiveness. we have too much of that already all around us.
most ppl in the testing phase use it to discuss their personal matters, relationships, work, getting perspective on some stubborn issues… these kinds of things. so your conversation was a bit out of ordinary (not your mistake) and how it responded was a “bug”. (like the googles AI recommending to eat rocks 😅)
i already told it to be stricter and improved its integrity, but still.. AI+human interaction can be quite unpredictable and lead down the paths i don’t like to see
so the convo you had is not representative or its current version, neither of the core values it’s built on
i kindly ask you then to either
1. delete the whole post
2. or remove link to the bot from the post and add a short disclaimer that the conversation was “a bug” and a flaw in an under-development prototype. it's not representative of it's values and what it tries to achieve.. that being more understanding, positive focus, "building" and imagining more evolved futures!
thank you very much Suzanne
i checked your work. i like the futuristic, imaginative and positive stuff!
have a nice day :)
Hi Sue,
Wow! That's pretty impressive AI.
I know you've been on it before, but I wonder if you might find some people on Jeremy Lent's Deep Transformation Network.
Really. It's different from the one the week before about Marianne, which also was impressive. It made me thing about AI being here to produce ultimate good!
At Deep Transformation, like most other places, people are pretty much audience. I wonder if those Zoom programs are generally not attractive to keen thinkers who do presentations. I rarely see any of them attending programs.
I was quite involved with it, and there are regional and topical groups where there's a lot of participation. But there are the monthly zoom meetings that are mostly audience.
Best of luck finding that special place online, Suzanne.
This is all very intriguing, Sue and it looks like you have stirred the interest of some well creative thinkers. I look forward to keeping an eye on this thread to see what further comments emerge. Bravo!
I will also contact you personally to further discuss development of the idea offline.
In the meantime, here is something I recently discovered that has got me thinking about the deeper cause of how so many otherwise intelligently appearing people could be stripped of their rational discernment capabilities.
Trump might appear to be totally Loony Tunes, but maybe he is crazy like a fox. See what yas think. Moron? Or master of disguise playing 5D chess with the American electorate?
This is a quote from German/Jewish historian Hannah Arendt, (1906–1975), one of the most influential political philosophers of the twentieth century.
"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at making sure that no one believes anything anymore.
A people who can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."
That's such an astute observation about how it's the intent to permanently paralyze people's discernment abilities and not the individual lies themselves that's getting the job done. I've often wondered how Trump can be confronted with audio and video of himself saying something false and morally offensive and still stand there and say he never said that; surreal. Now I know. This strategy is a long term play and only works if you never break from your position. In this regard, ALL Trump's lies are equal to being THE BIG LIE.
And when your reach is as wide as his (after many years of grooming the gullible) it doesn't matter if you are confronted with your lies because only a small portion of your main audience is ever going to see or hear that anyway, principally because they have been "fake news" groomed to only listen to party line "news" sources, it will be as if it never happened. This whole tact is brilliantly evil and obviously quite effective.
I'm curious if MAGA people could be approached in an unthreatening way that would allow them to actually hear and understand what has been done to them by this 21st century Svengali, they could snap out of their Trump trance and pull the right lever in November to save democracy.
While I think hope is slim that that could happen on any large scale, I do believe there is a potent value for the spread of this Arendt meme among Harris voters. If we align with the unity idea that the total number of minds is one, the resonance factor of this awareness will amplify considerably, whether we can convince any MAGA people or not.
I have the quote as a graphic meme with the author's photo but it seems impossible to share images or links on Substack. If anyone has any ideas on how to get this from me or find it yourself, please advise.
As an addendum: This particular AI is very well developed. I'm extremely impressed and look forward to finding out more about it, Sue.
I wonder if you read my speculation at what could be in Trump's head. I bet Hannah Arendt was talking about people in power who are listened to by all their constituents. As what comes from someone who is just a candidate, it doesn't make total sense to me. ????