We operate in cyclic realities. Over and over, in round after round, things recur. For humans it happens in a spiral, where each round brings greater awareness. What often drives improvements are disasters -- to recover, we have to get wiser. We have our disaster now.
As disasters can impel progress they also can lead to collapse, and now the question is whether we will collapse or we will progress. What’s primary for humanity to improve is to decide to try.
There are leaderful people who subscribe here. Let me do some collecting -- internationally because this devastation is global. Will you who are willing to have a conversation about what we might do please comment here to say so or reply to this email. If you are an original thinker who has your sights on the world, for now just say you would participate in a Zoom. It could save the world.
This is an intelligence speaking. It is the wisdom of the circle.
Dialogue is the necessary activity now to save the earth. Everyone sees glimmers of a peril looming; all must attend. Reordering must come. It will not result from legislation or from mediating between warring factions. Any imposition will just create more war. No, this needs to BE an otherness that births inside the womb of now.
This is the voice of humanity's soul. Snap to attention. Come off the meditation cushion. The family needs to forge. The mother is overblown with pregnancy. A creature must emerge.
I’ve been guided ever since the mid ‘80s by a transmission I got from “the Intelligence.” The Course in Miracles helps individuals and the Intelligence knows what needs to happen collectively.
I’ve been thinking that if Marianne Williamson would call for the beloved community I would be her lieutenant. Marianne, you could get smart, passionate people to fan out and recruit for you to teach the world about love.
Seek, above all, for a game worth playing. Such is the advice of the oracle to modern man. Having found the game, play it with intensity – play as if your life and sanity depended on it. (They do depend on it.) Follow the example of the French existentialists and flourish a banner bearing the word “engagement.” Though nothing means anything and all roads are marked “NO EXIT,” yet move as if your movements had some purpose. If life does not seem to offer a game worth playing, then invent one. For it must be clear, even to the most clouded intelligence, that any game is better than no game. - Robert S. de Ropp, The Master Game: Pathways to Higher Consciousness
We have to talk straight. We’ve been had. The election was bought by billionaires. Like Geoffrey Deihl said so well Tuesday afternoon, “This election is a choice between continued corporate tyranny and outright fascism. The former must be defeated, and the latter as well.” (Read it all if you didn’t when I sent it Tuesday.)
It wasn’t going to be good for us no matter what. Now, please take heart that electing Trump could be what saves humanity. With Harris, we wouldn’t have done anything to deal with what has us headed for apocalypse and now we are so freaked out that we just might try.
And here’s an idea. How about letting Trump end those wars now? He’s going to “do it” anyway, so why let any more devastation occur? Do what you’d do in January now, Trump, and we can pick up the pieces to go on from there. Something to talk about.
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