A call to our better angels is being made
It's the best holiday gift I could be giving
I was working on a recap of my year to usher in the new one when a bombshell landed with the best news to pass along, that bumped the recap to next week.
I am so pleased someone with a passion to get humanity running on love and not money just made news. Could there be a better time than now, when an apocalypse is getting tastable, for humanity to get it to cherish its home? Well, along came a spokesperson for what we need to become, jumping back into public view looking to become the DNC (Democratic National Committee) chair. Hello, Marianne Williamson!
There is no one like Marianne. For more than forty years she’s tuned people into that unseen world of spirit where love comes from. With thousands crediting her with changing and even saving their lives, who is comparable? But then, as miraculous as that is, she’s hopped into the political arena being incredibly well-informed and astute, speaking clearly and compellingly. I’ve said that if every candidate had been heard without anyone knowing who was speaking Marianne would be our president.
Her presidential runs didn’t need to bring her even close to victory for them to have been important for getting her on the world stage. She is a revolutionary. We had our Bernie, but he was after policy changes and not the heart changes that would give rise to policy changes. Getting people to be proud to be human is even more important than getting them government help. No other political person is making a call to our better angels.
And just look at the spot she’s focused on. The Democrat platform comes from the DNC. If she got the chair, she would influence what the Democrat Party becomes. At a time when it has to reinvent itself, her winning this office would be a brilliant development, and not just so Democrats can beat Republicans; it’s bigger that. A visionary would be developing a vision for governance.
For more Marianne, here’s a playlist of my Substacks where Marianne has been featured.
See how good she is being interviewed for five minutes on Fox News:
Of the posts Marianne has been making since her bid for DNC chair, I especially like this one, on Facebook:
I just saw someone ask what unique qualifications make me the person to become DNC chair...
Let me explain.
Politics isn't just about what people think; it's about what people feel. The part of the brain that rationally analyzes an issue isn't the part of the brain that decides who to vote for.
For years I've heard forlorn Democratic politicians say to me, "I don't know why we lost. We had them on the issues."
But the issues aren't the only issue.
There's a deeper issue. I don't care how much you've convinced people of anything, if they're not feeling it ... they're not feeling it. You can knock on their door, call them, text them, send flyers, email, field organize up the gazoo, raise money, analyze data - whatever - it won't matter if they're just not feeling it.
We've got to create a solution on the level of the problem. The greatest political car mechanic in the world is not the answer, because the problem is that we're on the wrong road. And people can feel it.
For over forty years, I've worked in the field of personal transformation. I know something about changing people's hearts and uplifting people's spirits; it's an expertise just like any other. And if you don't think emotional and psychological factors are necessary if we're to have any hope of creating a field of energy even approaching the collective adrenaline rush of the MAGA movement, then I don't know what to tell you.
To defeat a 21st century political phenomenon we're going to need more than a 20th century political skill set. We need to become our own phenomenon. And for that, we need a visionary at the helm. I'm not the greatest visionary in America, by a long shot.
But I'm the only one running for DNC chair.
My comment on Facebook: Who better? That’s a real question. No one is the answer.
If you make comments to Marianne here, she’ll see them. We go back to the 90’s, and Marianne talking to adoring crowds in L.A. five nights a week. She called me to tell me the fan letter I wrote to her early on was the best one she ever got. She was so good to listen to. No notes and talks so glib and so meaningful and so uplifting you’d have thought they had to be scripted.
In my book, Marianne Williamson being in play on the world stage has been this past year’s best development. Maybe, if she doesn’t get the DNC chair, we could anoint her Humanity’s Cheerleader and just have her keep inspiring us to be the best human beings we can be, who care for each other and lovingly tend to our beautiful Earth.
To subscribe to Marianne’s Substack, Transform with Marianne Williamson: https://www.transformarticles.com/about. For sure click through to read her statement about what she is delivering.
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I've been seeing politics in terms of emotions for years now. I think at base there are two emotions: attraction and avoidance, which can be called love and fear, or when it comes to people, trust and distrust. Conservatives lean more toward the fear/avoidance end, which explains their support for guns, prisons, and strong borders. Liberals are more empathic, though that has a free-rider problem.
George Lakoff is another person who looks at politics through an emotional lens.